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Cover art by Nights itsnightsyo SoundCloud night_lights_ Twitter itsnightsyo Tumblr oceanfalls-official Tumblr oceanfalls Patreon Other Contritum Previous cover art by this artist LAYERS (coasters upon coasters) Next cover art by this artist.
Wallpaper art by Makin CANWAVE 3 Previous wallpaper art by this artist cool and new volume 3 Next wallpaper art by this artist.
Banner art by Makin CANWAVE 3 Previous banner art by this artist cool and new volume 3 Next banner art by this artist.
Released 3/14/2019.
Duration: ~1:46:49.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube (playlist).

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  1. (0:30) Congratulations on Updating the Comic! by Indubitably
  2. (1:52) Calm Before the Storm by Cerulean
  3. (3:59) Fighting Chance by Cerulean
  4. (2:32) Ke$halo Strike Back by yazshu
  5. (2:33) Rose: Behave Irrationally by Pipko Fanfare and ft-rj
  6. (0:53) justice is finally a serve by Noisemaker
  7. (1:09) Swet Reunion by WarxTron
  8. (4:03) Crystalmixeditupagains by Interrobang
  9. (1:41) Obana rematch by Ray Mike
  10. (2:41) JAED FURY by ft-rj
  11. (2:38) Starcrusher by Kusoro
  12. (1:41) FreshGermyQuenSprite by pizzagremlin
  13. (4:26) Fight The Man! by Nicholas Nakano
  14. (3:10) years in the future (exept by not that much), by ft-rj
  15. (2:26) The Heart Of Corruption by Kusoro
  16. (0:54) Ironic Mania by Bin
  17. (2:26) Savior of the Reawoken Patient by WarxTron
  18. (1:23) anotehr boring day at THE SCHOOL [FLAPSH BACK] by Makin
  19. (2:26) Strain by TirantBacon and WarxTron
  20. (1:48) Starside Rumble (I Warned you About Stars Mix) by Nicholas Nakano
  21. (2:21) grimd~~AR~~k / Beyond Comprehension by ft-rj
  22. (2:16) Non Compos Mentis Remix by TirantBacon
  23. (3:34) Softcat by WarxTron
  24. (2:15) the wheel boss by Kusoro
  25. (1:50) Sburban Options by Nights
  26. (7:03) ANARCHY::MEGASTRIFE by ft-rj
  27. (1:41) The Ticcing Clonck by pizzagremlin
  28. (2:49) Battle Against a Furry Dictator by WarxTron
  29. (3:51) Nonunintentional Figting by Pipko Fanfare
  30. (0:40) harlequin.exe is not responding by MithrilNova
  31. (3:08) Chronic Infection by Difarem
  32. (1:18) Obana Never Gives Up by Ray Mike
  33. (2:06) In Which The Main Protagonist (ballad of kraket vantage) by ft-rj
  34. (5:17) Space Denizen STRIFE! by Nicholas Nakano
  35. (0:10) 0x SHOWDOWN COMBO by loading
  36. (3:27) i am very smort by Interrobang
  37. (3:35) Regicide by Nicholas Nakano
  38. (4:07) Lost in Time by VoidNull
  39. (1:44) Eternity's Slylock by Pipko Fanfare
  40. (4:16) bad.mp3 by Noisemaker
  41. (4:10) Gone Home by Ragzilla

Added to wiki 10/25/2023.

Artist commentary:

Makin: (Album namer, album wiki-adder)

Look, in our defense, we weren't thinking of wikis when coming up with album names. Main volumes just kept getting sillier and sillier, from skipping straight to Cool and new Volume V after cool and new volume II, to emojis in V8️lu♏e's title, to simply naming an album 9, to now, this, _, an album without name, which CAN be represented properly on bandcamp, but obviously cannot usably be represented on a wiki. Thankfully we went back to "cool and new volume 3" after this like reasonable people. Forgive the inaccuracy in using an underscore instead of a blank space. If you want to punish us for our crimes, please do so by listening to the album.

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)