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Catch 322

album cover

Cover art by ragnarozzy ragnarozzy Twitter ragnarozzys Tumblr Other ozzybears Twitter.
Released 8/13/2019.
Duration: ~1:14:08.

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Main album: (~1:09:36)
  1. (3:18) Minute To Win It by SplitSuns
  2. (3:03) Arcjec's Theme by SplitSuns
  3. (3:49) Falling Upward by Grace Medley
  4. (5:32) Todd Howard by sympolite
  5. (2:04) Taz's Theme by dbnet18
  6. (3:51) The Eternal Siren by Veritas Unae
  7. (2:36) Dirty Days, Spotless Nights by Cerulean
  8. (2:13) Show's Over by Mathias Ramalho
  9. (2:49) Murrit's Theme by SplitSuns
  10. (2:00) Pursuit of Happiness by Veritas Unae and dbnet18
  11. (3:18) Anywhere Can Be Paradise by Alex Votl
  12. (2:52) Loch And Quay by Grace Medley
  13. (4:16) Albion's Theme by Grace Medley
  14. (1:36) Lite-Brite by Cerulean
  15. (4:54) Psychymify by Kal-la-kal-la and WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES
  16. (2:21) Laivan's Theme by pragmaticNihilist
  17. (4:55) Cathode Ray by dbnet18
  18. (3:45) I'm Right Here by Alex Votl
  19. (2:20) Ellsee's Theme by pragmaticNihilist
  20. (4:42) Courage by Grace Medley
  21. (3:22) Another Happy Ending by Momo
Bonus tracks: (4:30)
  1. (4:30) The Black Depths by Kate Mitchell
Download-only tracks: (0:02)
  1. (0:02) Dí̵sţ̵o҉r̡t͠i҉͟ò͞ǹ͠ by SplitSuns

Added to wiki 10/25/2023.

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