Let Me Dance, Let Me Glisten - Single
![album cover](https://media.hsmusic.wiki/album-art/let-me-dance-let-me-glisten-single/cover.small.jpg)
By Flutterwhat
Cover art by SnerkFlerks
Released 4/13/2015.
Duration: ~11:35.
Listen on Bandcamp or Bandcamp.
View commentary page!
- Main album: (~7:42) Main album:
- Exclusive to personal release: (~3:53) Exclusive to personal release:
- (2:47) You Shall Stay
- (1:06) A Quiet Nightlife
Added to wiki 1/29/2025.
Artist commentary:
Quasar Nebula: (wiki editor)
This album was released on the artist's main Bandcamp (flutterwhat) as well as on the dedicated ScourgeQuest Bandcamp (scourgequest). These releases are combined as one album for the wiki.
Flutterwhat: (Bandcamp about blurb - personal release)
This version of the single differs from it's ScourgeQuest bandcamp release. (bit.ly/1CIjqsF) It includes two additional tracks from the ScourgeQuest III BETA 1 Release, both of witch share the same core melody.