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Oceanfables: Ethological

album cover

By Witch's Cadence witchscadence Bandcamp witchs-cadence SoundCloud witchscadence Bluesky YouTube YouTube Noirscape Next album by this artist.
Cover art by anxiee.
Released 11/25/2023.
Duration: ~42:39.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube (full album).

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Main album: (~36:52)
  1. (2:24) For the Greater Good
  2. (3:05) Unfavorable Outcome (For You)
  3. (1:20) His Torment
  4. (2:17) Royal Blood
  5. (3:06) Raze in Vitriol
  6. (2:01) Just Me and My Boyfriend
  7. (3:25) Blood Pact
  8. (2:37) "EIDOLON", Pirate of the Seven CPUs
  9. (3:21) Bastard Contract
  10. (2:14) Brilliance Sharp as Steel
  11. (3:32) Done With Your Nonsense
  12. (7:30) Judgement By Genocide
Bonus tracks: (~5:47)
  1. (1:32) LUNE FUMO REAL
  2. (1:45) Ambiguous Amnesiac
  3. (2:30) Oceanfalls Rap

Added to wiki 4/13/2024.

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Artist commentary:

Nights: (Bandcamp about blurb)

Oceanfables: Ethological is a solo album by Witch's Cadence, featuring 15 original tracks based on the characters and story of the webcomic Oceanfalls. With accompanying cover artwork illustrated by Anxiee!

Nights: (Bandcamp credits blurb)

Album and music by Witch's Cadence
Artwork by Anxiee

Witch's Cadence: (booklet commentary)

Hello! I am Witch’s Cadence, the artist behind the Oceanfalls album “Ethological”.

This album was very fun to make, and I tried my best to go all out on everything, I feel like after working on it that I have already grown so much as a composer and producer (even though I still am figuring mixing out, haha).

While I was making this album, I had the thought cross my mind that I would kind of like to do a commentary on each of the tracks, because I always loved reading a composers thought process behind everything, so maybe someone else could get the same joy I get from reading the weirdly in depth self-analyses that all of the Homestuck musicians put on some of their tracks. I don’t know, maybe it’ll be fun for me too! (We’ll see what I think after writing all of this in like 5 hours...)

To begin, this whole album started after I realized that I was making a little bit too much music for Oceanfalls, and probably should stop before the next volume becomes... too much of me, haha. So instead, I decided to ask if I could quarantine myself in a solo album where the whole point is to oversaturate yourself with my music! My plan is flawless, nothing will go wrong...

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