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{ Oceanfalls } Vol. Five

album cover

  • FiveFive (Oceanfalls)
  • SolisSolis (Oceanfalls)
  • LuneLune (Oceanfalls)
  • SisSis (Oceanfalls)

Cover art by Nights itsnightsyo SoundCloud night_lights_ Twitter itsnightsyo Tumblr oceanfalls-official Tumblr oceanfalls Patreon Other { Oceanfalls } Vol.4 Previous cover art by this artist { Oceanfalls } Vol.6 Next cover art by this artist.
Wallpaper art by Nights itsnightsyo SoundCloud night_lights_ Twitter itsnightsyo Tumblr oceanfalls-official Tumblr oceanfalls Patreon Other { Oceanfalls } Vol.4 Previous wallpaper art by this artist (+ editsEdits for wiki by Niklink).
Released 5/17/2023.
Duration: ~49:20.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube (full album).

View gallery page or commentary page!

Main album: (~42:14)
  1. (3:10) Cinq by Yume_
  2. (4:22) Memories of Home by Wights End
  3. (2:55) Wieczna Wiedza by leiirue
  4. (3:13) Metal and Meat by Nights
  5. (2:03) Birthday Girl by Witch's Cadence
  6. (2:07) Mayday by RoZ8
  7. (1:58) Hollowed Halls by Ray Mike
  8. (3:36) Emblems of a Magnum Opus by Mathias Ramalho and RoZ8
  9. (3:36) Hazardous Path by Mathias Ramalho and RoZ8
  10. (1:50) Living Will by Ray Mike
  11. (3:18) Unfamiliar Territory (Director's Cut) by Wights End
  12. (1:50) Purge Destiny by Witch's Cadence
  13. (2:29) To Ashes It Returns by leiirue and Yume_
  14. (5:47) Rift Failure by RoZ8
Bonus track: (7:06)
  1. (7:06) Face Thyself by keyboard cait

Added to wiki 8/18/2023.

Artist commentary:


A specially made album for Oceanfalls' anniversary, and a celebration of Five's birthday date in the story!

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)