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Tumblrstuck/bent OST: Volume 0

album cover

By Samm Neiland sammneiland Bandcamp samm-neiland SoundCloud YouTube YouTube Tumblrstuck/bent OST: Volume 1 Next album by this artist.
Cover art by Akirata.
Released 3/27/2011.
Duration: ~18:41.

Listen on Bandcamp.

View commentary page!

Main album: (~17:14)
  1. (2:32) Mind Your Step, Young Squire
  2. (2:03) Grande Illusion
  3. (1:56) Conflict of Grace
  4. (4:37) I Keep Forgetting
  5. (2:23) Lets Get Lost
  6. (3:43) We'll Make the Best of Things
Bonus tracks: (1:27)
  1. (1:27) Grande Illusion: Que Dieu ait pitie

Added to wiki 1/1/2023.

Artist commentary:

Samm Neiland:

a collection of the sorta of chiptune/homestuck/geeky music I've done thusfar.

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)