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album cover

Cover art by bobthetacocat tacocatcreative Twitter Cool and New Homestuck Previous cover art by this artist.
Wallpaper art by bobthetacocat tacocatcreative Twitter (+ editsEdits for wiki by Makin).
Banner art by bobthetacocat tacocatcreative Twitter (+ editsEdits for wiki by Makin).
Released 1/14/2017.
Duration: ~2:20:30.

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Main album: (~2:10:53)
  1. (0:49) Cool and New Music Team by MrMush
  2. (2:26) Fresh Jimmy Anthem by Wheals
  3. (0:53) Conflict! (Guitarkind) by Tensei
  4. (2:57) (Un)Intentional Touhou by TirantBacon
  5. (1:07) HECKACIoUS by cryptologicalMystic
  6. (2:25) Bowstutzlogic by Makin
  7. (3:59) u kiled swet bro - Prepare to Die by TirantBacon
  8. (1:21) I AM V8RY IM8ORT8ANT by MoreEpicThanYou747
  9. (2:51) {s] coaster: Rise and fall by Ragzilla
  10. (1:28) (intractive?) Character Selection Screen by William Leonard
  11. (2:16) Starry Midnight by koba
  12. (4:19) Bowmanian Jungle by WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES
  13. (2:13) Dialup by Gordian
  14. (0:41) Doomed Timeli ne by MrCheeze
  15. (1:38) Jhon's Lament by meems
  16. (1:38) Rose-a-Coaster by Interrobang and cookiefonster
  17. (1:34) The Bird is Back by BitesizeBird
  18. (2:52) FairyDust (Vrasky's Theme) by TirantBacon
  19. (3:08) Amidst This Mess by Wheals
  20. (1:55) pysc0roins: licord boogaloo by cookiefonster
  21. (2:27) Cool and New Incipisphere by Kusoro
  22. (1:20) exhale by swifterjack
  23. (4:19) Fighting Spirit ~Double Ascended Form~ by cookiefonster
  24. (3:43) Aura of Colour by olegoleg123
  25. (1:19) Quartet by Griever
  26. (2:41) Bendalass by NodaToyama
  27. (1:43) Sburban Tycoon by ft-rj
  28. (1:30) THE 8EST FLARPER EVER!!!!!!!! by Kusoro
  29. (2:16) SLEP POLISE THEMEME by Cecily Renns
  30. (2:20) Sburban Blaster (Full Version) by tempest2k
  31. (2:12) Dreams of hrates' O. T. P by NyashAlex
  32. (2:32) Savior of the Waking Patient by cookiefonster
  33. (3:11) HOW DO I LIVE (bunnie tiem mix) (feat. renns) by Cecily Renns
  34. (2:55) Waters of GameBrodyLoVania by Difarem
  35. (2:14) Science by Isoleucine
  36. (1:53) dabestep ULTRAMEGAMIX w aditionel drumbs by TirantBacon and Kusoro
  37. (0:55) Guilty of Being Alternia by 413
  38. (1:39) Conflictlovania by Difarem
  39. (2:43) Willful Cryptanalysis by cryptologicalMystic
  40. (1:03) Germysprite by Kusoro
  41. (2:34) frogesong by CogentInvalid
  42. (3:06) adoisTrader's Succesful Financial Operation by NyashAlex
  43. (0:45) Rolla Coasta Tycoon by Pipko Fanfare
  44. (1:46) Señor Española by Kusoro
  45. (2:15) Death by Eyewear by cookiefonster
  47. (1:47) Rozepiano by Nights
  48. (2:03) Haunt by Kusoro
  49. (1:19) You've done this (I can't Believe) by GoomFloops
  50. (1:16) 413143413414143 by CogentInvalid
  51. (2:55) Fresh Jimmy's Fresh Orchestraz by Wheals
  52. (2:12) le canrival by Noisemaker
  53. (1:30) It Came From Volume 8 by ostrichlittledungeon
  54. (0:58) AAAAAAAAAAAAA Canon remix (not actually cannon though) cannon remix: THIT ONE IS CANON. by o
  55. (6:07) Arise by Wights End
  56. (6:18) Cognize by Cecily Renns
  57. (1:39) 1x SHOWDOWN COMBO by Discfortune
  58. (1:01) This song was made 30 minutes before the deadline so fuck you by WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES
  59. (1:55) cool and new an them by Difarem
Bonus Tracks: (~9:37)
  1. (2:58) exhale (Full Ver.) by swifterjack
  2. (3:05) Quartet (Full Ver.) by Griever
  3. (3:34) Sburban Tycoon (Full Ver.) by ft-rj

Added to wiki 9/16/2023.

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Artist commentary:

Cool and New Music Team:

([S] It Came From Volume 8)


(Community listening stream w/ chat)

bobthetacocat: (Artist)

Let me tell you a little story that starts from Volume V. The art team were having an "let's go through our art and see how much it sucks" binge, when I came across my track art for "i need an abumbalnce!!.mp3" and saw the LOWAS in the top left corner. The first thing I thought to myself was "hey, I could make that better." And so the editing of the original begins, and I end up with this. After getting a lot of positive reception and people asking me to make other planets, I decided to do this: start (and finish) LOHAC, then move on to LOLAR, then finally LOFAF. Over the course of working on LOHAC (which took too long to make the base circle of) I realized that I wasn't going to do anything with them, effectively making these for no reason. About this time is where I had the idea of arranging them in a Volume 8 cover fashion because, hey, I had the planets, I could do the thing, what's to lose?

After finishing LOHAC, XenoZane (sup booklet guy) asked me to do LOLAR, and as a joke, I decided to do LOLAF, Rose's CANWC planet instead. That joke was the only reason I had LOLAF handy and decided to do LODAR soon after finshing LOLAR. (and by soon after i mean the same day)

The same day is when i decided to make a base concept for what I was going to do with these planets that would have no use otherwise. After placing the planets that I had in their positions, more people starting noticing that the art for the planets had no use at the time.

I made a second concept art the next day.

On the same day, Makin noticed the art i was making and said this. Now, for some reason, my brain read that as "you can have the volume 8 spot" for some wild, bizzare, :wackyZany: reason. ((Insider info: the original Volume 8 album art was repurposed into the CaNHS3 album art.))

For some unknown reason, it took me three days to make LOFAF, and two days later I decided to make a "final plan" that never worked out, and made an 8 for the cover slightly after.

It took me too long to do the stars, about a week or something like that, but I got them done and that's all that matters. I added the Vrasky not too long after.

So yeah. That's the story about how a little edit to an old project stemmed into the cover for an album, and a project that I consider one of my best.

Overall, making the Volume 8 cover was a really fun project, and helping this team (and the team helping me) has been the greatest thing I've experienced in years, maybe ever.

I hope you have fun (or had fun, if you're reading this retroactively) with the album. Stay safe out there.

XenoZane: (Booklet Assembler)

fuck you bob i do not read your commentary because you put so many fucking pictures like goddamn

I wanted to contribute to the team more than just uploading youtube videos, so i jumped on the opportunity to make a commentary booklet, as i think the previous ones are really funny. problem is: i had no idea how to even make these. i wouldnt have been able to make this without the help of interrobang, who sent me the template for the canh commentary booklets and introduced me to adobe indesign.

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