Hirokazu Tanaka
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Hirokazu Tanaka has contributed ~35:20 minutes of music shared on this wiki.
- Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by count.)
Additional Tracks (32 tracks)
Beyond (2 tracks)
Toby Fox (2 tracks)
- Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by duration.)
Additional Tracks (31:42)
Beyond (3:38)
Toby Fox (3:38)
- Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (12/7/2018; ~3:38)
- (2:12) Sand Ocean (with F-ZERO)
- (1:26) Seaskape (with Splatoon)
- References Beyond Homestuck (~31:42)
- (1:25) A Bad Dream (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- (0:33) Bad Morning to You (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- (2:05) BGM A (Wrecking Crew) (with Wrecking Crew)
- (1:20) BGM B (Power Up) (Wrecking Crew) (with Wrecking Crew)
- (2:19) Boy Meets Girl (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- (1:02) Cave Theme 1 (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- (1:10) Choose a File (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- (1:37) Dream Maze (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- (0:01) Duck Get! (Duck Hunt) (with Duck Hunt)
- (1:17) Eight Melodies (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- (4:06) Final Battle (with Mother)
- (0:06) Game A/B Start (Duck Hunt) (with Duck Hunt)
- (0:05) Game C Start (Duck Hunt) (with Duck Hunt)
- (0:06) Game Over (Duck Hunt) (with Duck Hunt)
- Giygas Disintegrates (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- (0:55) Giygas's Lair (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- (2:37) Magicant (with Mother)
- (1:45) Miniboss Hideout I: Kraid (with Metroid)
- (0:02) Miss (Duck Hunt) (with Duck Hunt)
- One Fateful Night (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- (1:20) Onett (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- (0:02) Perfect (Duck Hunt) (with Duck Hunt)
- (1:09) Power (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- (1:05) Prologue (with Mother)
- (2:11) Sanctuary Guardian (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- Smiles and Tears (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- Super Dry Dance (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- (0:04) Title Theme (Duck Hunt) (with Duck Hunt)
- (1:55) Twinkle Elementary School (with Mother)
- (0:30) What a Great Picture! (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- (0:55) Welcome, Me (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)
- You Gained a Level! (with Mother and Keiichi Suzuki)