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ostrichlittledungeon has contributed ~3:35:15 hours of music shared on this wiki.
- Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by count.)
Fandom (78 tracks)
Cool and New Music Team (70 tracks)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (7 tracks)
Additional Tracks (6 tracks)
Beyond (1 track)
Oceanfalls (1 track)
- Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by duration.)
Fandom (3:24:07)
Cool and New Music Team (3:10:23)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (10:54)
Additional Tracks (9:30)
Beyond (1:38)
Oceanfalls (1:38)
- cool and new voulem.1 (7/2/2016; ~8:11)
- (1:42) Spacesplore
- (2:16) turnways lurker
- (4:13) 25x SHOWDOWN COMBO (Synth)
- cool and new volume 2 (7/20/2016; ~16:55)
- (5:42) There's a Balcony
- (3:20) Quantum Reversal
- (5:15) !!~~~ the will to figt ~~~!! (piano; with Wheals, yazshu, Pipko Fanfare, Bin, Interrobang, Cerulean, Putnam, and Discfortune)
- (2:38) ==> (vocals; with Putnam, tegusoft, cookiefonster, Noisemaker, flagellumVagueness, Bambosh, Cloudaria, flamingfusion, Ngame, Interrobang, Discfortune, Cecily Renns, Bin, and Makin)
- cool and new volume II (7/20/2016; ~9:25)
- (4:04) Fruity Pebbles Redux
- (2:01) Dragon Clock
- (3:20) Quantum Breakdown
- [NSFW] Penumbra オーガズム:百万ドルリミックス( Gunshow Singalong )の小ローン (8/1/2016; 3:28)
- (3:28) [NSFW] Penumbra オーガズム:百万ドルリミックス( Gunshow Singalong )の小ローン (lyrics; with Pipko Fanfare and yazshu)
- Cool and new Volume V (8/20/2016; 4:40)
- Cool and New Homestuck (9/3/2016; 2:30)
- (2:30) Explored
- Cyclica (9/23/2016; ~16:33)
- (9:06) Something Familiar
- (7:27) Yet Cool and New
- call and new (9/23/2016; 1:55)
- (1:55) First Contact
- CaNWC Sound Test Vol.1: REVENGE OF THE GIIVASUNNER (9/23/2016; 0:25)
- (0:25) Pebumbera
- COOL AND NEW Volume 7: At the Price of $104.13 (10/15/2016; 1:39)
- (1:39) Moshi Will Fight
- CANWC for the Holidays (10/30/2016; 1:36)
- (1:36) The Night Before Gristmas (instrumental, writer; with Cloudaria)
- Cool and New Greatest Hits (11/6/2016; ~8:38)
- (1:47) Dersite
- (4:40) Penumbra Phantasm by Toby Fox (feat. "Radiation") (rerelease)
- (4:13) 25x SHOWDOWN COMBO (rerelease)
- (2:42) Spanish
- (5:15) !!~~~ the will to figt ~~~!! (rerelease)
- (2:16) Final Confrontation
- (1:53) Recooled Return
- Cool and New Homestuck 2 (11/26/2016; ~4:43)
- (1:49) dick coordinat
- (1:00) dikr; bring togehter
- (1:54) Tycoonkind
- Cool and New Homestuck 3 (12/26/2016; ~15:33)
- (0:17) jane blast off but to the tune of we are number one but in major but with each hey being replaced with ostrichlittledungeon saying nyah but that being overlayed with voice clips from game grumps back when jontron and arin were the two grumps (nyahs)
- (9:03) 7 GRAND END (with Discfortune, koba, SplitSuns, Minish, TirantBacon, StarlightCalliope, Wheals, WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES, MoreEpicThanYou747, Isoleucine, Noisemaker, Rom M, Cecily Renns, cookiefonster, Pipko Fanfare, Hadron, ft-rj, and Interrobang)
- (6:13) Revisit/Rewind
- V8️lu♏e (1/14/2017; 1:30)
- (1:30) It Came From Volume 8
- C A N W A V E 2 (1/20/2017; ~19:17)
- (3:07) Intro
- (1:03) T H E M E (AKA Ballad for Penumbra Phantasm)
- (1:22) Median
- (5:51) Gunshow 2 Finale Part 1 (Poem and music)
- (5:58) Gunshow 2 Finale Part 2 (Poem and music)
- (1:56) Gunshow 2 Theme (Instrumental)
- BOWMANIA (3/10/2017; ~6:09)
- (2:18) lore 2: the revengning
- (3:51) Cool and New Music Team's Credit Score (vocals; with Bambosh, Wheals, cookiefonster, Interrobang, Difarem, Rom M, WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES, BitesizeBird, loading, Shadok, Cecily Renns, Lambda Elise Merryberry, olkiswerve, XenoZane, Discfortune, Bin, yazshu, Isoleucine, Makin, VulkanShawl, Ahnock, William Leonard, GoomFloops, ft-rj, Kal-la-kal-la, Mathias Ramalho, Minkt, Scarodactyl, StarlightCalliope, Pipko Fanfare, TirantBacon, NyashAlex, Minish, and Josh Noble)
- Weird Puzzle Tunes (3/10/2017; 2:12)
- (2:12) Compensation, Adequate
- (0:46) buy it
- .jpeg (6/12/2017; ~2:18)
- (1:07) HECK. (lyrics; with yazshu)
- (1:11) Crash Course in Creativity
- 9 (7/2/2017; 2:22)
- (2:22) Nakkin' Ned's Nice Naks (vocals; with Ahnock, cookiefonster, Cerulean, Nicholas Nakano, WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES, GoomFloops, pizzagremlin, Makin, ft-rj, Discfortune, and Cecily Renns)
- One Week Older (7/20/2017; ~30:28)
- (1:45) November
- (1:40) Overfoot
- (2:00) The Boss of Wheels
- (1:36) I'm mister presidant
- (2:02) Carousel Catastrophe
- (1:39) Ectodaddies
- (2:00) Sunset
- (2:16) Utopia
- (0:42) Requiem for a Hand
- (4:02) Medley
- (1:46) United in Hatred
- (2:37) Daddy
- (3:17) Greifstrife
- (1:41) Elegance of the Exiles
- (1:25) shrimpies caneda (with yazshu)
- Greatest Hits 2 (7/20/2017; 2:50)
- (6:13) Revisit/Rewind (rerelease)
- (2:50) Horizontal Headshot
- (2:22) Nakkin' Ned's Nice Naks (rerelease)
- (9:03) 7 GRAND END (rerelease)
- Land of Fans and Music 4 (9/9/2017; 3:07)
- (1:51) Dersite (rerelease)
- (2:51) Horizontal Headshot (rerelease)
- (3:07) -Omega- Timeline
- (6:13) Revisit/Rewind (rerelease)
- Xenoplanetarium (12/8/2017; 2:53)
- (2:53) Sandy Skyline
- Gristmas Carols (12/25/2017; 2:42)
- (2:42) You're A Mean One, Mr. Slick. (lyrics; with WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES, SplitSuns, and Ephemerald)
- CANWAVE 3 (3/25/2018; 2:35)
- (2:35) Warmth
- Early Access (4/7/2018; 2:50)
- (2:50) Sburban Resolution
- Call and New V (6/30/2018; ~6:02)
- (1:39) Ready Player Five
- (4:23) Happy Hospital
- Homestuck Vol. 11 (7/20/2018; 12:06)
- (12:06) The Baby is 2 (Jane Voice Acting; with WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES, Tipsy, Fiskool, Bee, Indubitably, Griever, and NeRd)
- { Oceanfalls } Vol.2 (4/27/2019; 1:38)
- (1:38) Remember You
- Muse of Net (9/30/2019; 5:01)
- (5:01) ai song
- Homestuck^2: Beyond CaNMT Vol. 1 (12/25/2019; 2:48)
- (2:48) Ship of Theseus
- More Homestuck Fandom (~7:36)
- References Beyond Homestuck (~1:54)
- (0:30) New Island Theme
- (1:24) Step's Theme
View art gallery! Or browse the list:
- Contributed artworks to groups:
Fandom (2 artworks)
Cool and New Music Team (2 artworks)
- cool and new voulem.1 (7/2/2016)
- Cool and New Greatest Hits (11/6/2016)
- cool and new volume 2
- (album commentary)
- cool and new volume II
- (album commentary)
- Cool and new Volume V
- Cyclica
- (album commentary)
- Something Familiar
- Yet Cool and New
- Cool and New Homestuck 2
- dick coordinat (Composer)
- dikr; bring togehter (Composer)
- Tycoonkind (Composer)
- Cool and New Homestuck 3
- 7 GRAND END (Composer, 3:57-4:24)
- Revisit/Rewind (Composer)
- V8️lu♏e
- It Came From Volume 8 (Artist)
- C A N W A V E 2
- Gunshow 2 Finale Part 2 (Composer)
- .jpeg
- Crash Course in Creativity (Composer)
- Land of Fans and Music 4
- Dersite (composer, booklet commentary)
- I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew (theh0nestman Version) (album team, booklet commentary)
- Horizontal Headshot (composer, booklet commentary)
- -Omega- Timeline (composer, booklet commentary)
- Revisit/Rewind (composer, booklet commentary)
- Call and New V
- Ready Player Five (Answerer)