Ray Mike
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Ray Mike has contributed ~1:30:00 hours of music shared on this wiki.
- Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by count.)
Beyond (30 tracks)
Oceanfalls (30 tracks)
Fandom (20 tracks)
Cool and New Music Team (19 tracks)
Additional Tracks (3 tracks)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (1 track)
- Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by duration.)
Beyond (49:10)
Oceanfalls (49:10)
Fandom (37:21)
Cool and New Music Team (35:45)
Additional Tracks (3:29)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (1:36)
- YES WE CANWC (8/30/2017; 2:07)
- Homestuck Vol. 11 (7/20/2018; 12:06)
- (12:06) The Baby is 2 (with WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES and NeRd)
- _ (3/14/2019; ~2:59)
- (1:41) Obana rematch
- (1:18) Obana Never Gives Up
- { Oceanfalls } Vol.2 (4/27/2019; 1:49)
- (1:49) The Fifth Flower
- HAROLDBOUND (5/27/2019; ~11:36)
- (1:08) The Pissed Off Song
- (1:10) 8OSS!!!!!!!!
- (1:03) ANGRY CAT OwO
- (0:56) Core of Spaces
- (2:00) Battle Against the Lord of Space
- (1:36) Generic Touhou
- (1:12) Pink Sun Flare
- (0:48) Thank you for listening to the album!
- (1:05) Awakened (Obobonus)
- Homestuck^2: Beyond CaNMT Vol. 1 (12/25/2019; 1:20)
- troleplanet (5/22/2020; 1:38)
- (1:38) Kick-ass spider
- { Oceanfalls } Vol.3 (10/11/2020; ~10:05)
- (1:28) A Long Time Ago
- (2:10) Galactic Princess Selene Opening 1
- (1:25) XXXSelene
- (0:59) Angry Cat OwO (Oceanfalls Version)
- (1:30) Galactic Princess Selene Battle Theme
- (2:33) Kaji's Theme
- cool and new volume 3 (7/2/2021; ~3:59)
- (1:14) Starslammer
- (1:22) the baby is 3
- (1:23) Verve (with cctv)
- Oceanfables: Ray of Light (3/18/2022; ~24:45)
- (1:25) Kotori
- (1:42) Sea Patrol in Action
- (2:00) Snow Falling
- (2:15) Snow Increasing
- (1:07) Chiptune
- (1:36) Reed
- (1:55) Starfish
- (1:16) Angry Dog
- (1:40) Swag
- (1:13) Corona
- (1:31) Emotional Moment
- (2:05) Duty's Prince
- (1:25) Winged World
- (2:11) Oceanfalls
- (1:24) Piano
- { Oceanfalls } Vol.4 (1/25/2023; ~4:23)
- (1:43) Oceancute
- (1:31) Reed Chill
- (1:09) Selene Chill
- { Oceanfalls } Vol. Five (5/17/2023; ~3:48)
- (1:58) Hollowed Halls
- (1:50) Living Will
- Land of Fans and Music 5 Act 2 (9/16/2023; 1:36)
- (1:36) THE LAST HOUR
- { Oceanfalls } Vol.6 (12/31/2024; ~4:20)
- (1:03) Oceanfalls Opening
- (1:57) Sand Battle
- (1:20) Winter Battle
- More Homestuck Fandom (~3:29)
- Battle Against A Baby President (Composer)
- cool and new volume 3
- Starslammer (Composer)
- the baby is 3 (Composer)