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SpilledCereals has contributed ~1:13:29 hours of music shared on this wiki.
- Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by count.)
- Contributed music to groups: (Sorting by duration.)
- Stalemate Vol. 2 (10/15/2018; ~5:01)
- (1:17) Skeleton Party Before The Apocalypse
- (1:55) AGANOSTYL
- (1:49) AAGANOSTYL [AGANOSTYL Acoustic]
- Stalemate: Adieu (8/24/2019; ~30:55)
- (2:09) Complacent Compliments
- (2:00) On The Path To Sweetness
- (1:25) This May Be Madness, Yet There Is Method In't
- (3:48) Glass and Cysts
- (1:30) Warmth and Expression
- (2:08) Nihilstalgia
- (1:57) AA's Strange Quest: Stalemate OST: ~AA's theme~ Blue Blazer (Strife Theme)
- (1:40) Breathe, Reminisce, And Calm Down
- (3:31) Really_cool_jazz_demo_n_5.jpeg.mp4.wav
- (2:52) The title of this song was supposed to be a reference to a quote unquote piece of art but Infinite reminded me that we could probably get sued because of it being a copyrighted work that hasnt entered public domain yet
- (1:32) A Bitter Ending
- Election Season (1/10/2021; ~12:20)
- (2:43) Strange Signals
- (1:44) Man of Many Passions
- (4:14) Gleeful Club
- (3:39) Désaffectée
- Anthology I (10/1/2023; ~8:31)
- (3:44) Surrural
- (2:44) Coded Corridors
- (2:03) Used To
- Nibiru (2/24/2024; ~7:27)
- (4:06) Crazy Phrog
- (3:21) Heartbreak Studio
- Anthology II (1/1/2025; ~9:15)
- (5:40) Lost In Tsanzlation
- (3:35) Change™
View art gallery! Or browse the list:
- Contributed artworks to groups:
- Stalemate Vol. 2 (10/15/2018)
- Absolutely Nothing (with infinite)
- Stalemate: Adieu (8/24/2019)