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Ad Astra - Commentary

Album released 4/9/2016.
105 words across 2 entries.

Ad Astra Listen on: Bandcamp

Ducky Senpai: (Bandcamp about blurb)

4 primary tracks from The Planets entirely revisited, revamped, and remixed for an EDM audience. Less experimental, more electronica.

The content of this album--while inspired by Homestuck to an extent--is not affiliated with or derivative of Andrew Hussie, Homestuck affiliates, or anyone who doesn't go by the name "Ducky."

Now downloadable for free!

Ducky Senpai: (Tumblr, excerpt)

Ad Astra is out!

I'm finally releasing my latest (and probably last) Homestuck-inspired album.

This album contains 4 primary tracks originally from The Planets and another "bonus" intro track as well. These songs have been remixed and remastered with a more focused mind for an EDM audience.

If you liked The Planets, I'm sure you'll really like Ad Astra.

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)