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From Beta to Alpha - Commentary

Album released 4/4/2013.
333 words across 14 entries.

From Beta to Alpha Listen on: YouTube (playlist)

Christian Michael Poynter: (Bandcamp about blurb)

A 12 track album based around characters and events in the internet sensation "Homestuck"

Christian Michael Poynter: (Bandcamp credits blurb)

This album is dedicated to Andrew Hussie, who I believe is nothing short of a literary genius

Determination of a Hero Listen on: YouTube

Christian Michael Poynter: (Bandcamp & YouTube commentary)

The track that inspired the album, and the theme of John Egbert, The Heir of Breath. This track is inspired especially by the "cascade" scene in the finale of Act 5 where he confronts Jack Noir

English, Jake English Listen on: YouTube

Christian Michael Poynter: (Bandcamp & YouTube commentary)

Jake English: Gentleman, Scholar, Island Adventurer

Insurrection on Derse Listen on: YouTube

Christian Michael Poynter: (Bandcamp & YouTube commentary)

Based on Dirk Strider's rebellion on Derse, and the attack of the miles that followed

Absolution, in Style Listen on: YouTube

Christian Michael Poynter: (Bandcamp & YouTube commentary)

Dirk Strider's theme and a depiction of his fighting style. Before, and then after, he gets serious

The Scratch Listen on: YouTube

Christian Michael Poynter: (Bandcamp & YouTube commentary)

A song about dramatic pursuit of the beta kids by Jack Noir as they rush to reset the universe. Influenced pretty heavily by the orchestral style of John Williams and the song "O Fortuna" from Carmina Burana

The Other English Listen on: YouTube

Christian Michael Poynter: (Bandcamp & YouTube commentary)

The theme of Lord English, and his confrontation with our heroes

Beyond the Life We Knew Listen on: YouTube

Christian Michael Poynter: (Bandcamp & YouTube commentary)

A song about the Beta kids' ascension into The Medium, and the mixed emotions they feel moving beyond the lives they led. They know their old world is forever gone, and they find themselves mixed up in the melancholy of the past, the breathtaking present, and the uncertainty of the future

The Land of Light and Rain Listen on: YouTube

Christian Michael Poynter: (Bandcamp & YouTube commentary)

I found the Land of Light and Rain, Rose's world in the Medium, incredibly inspiring. When I thought about writing for her, this was the first thing that came to mind, so I sat down, cranked up the delay on my piano and composed this

A Room Above the Shimmering Ocean Listen on: YouTube

Christian Michael Poynter: (Bandcamp & YouTube commentary)

The first track about Jade Harley, aimed at depicting her life with her grandpa on her island. Carefree and a little eccentric

Wielder of Celestial Atmospheres Listen on: YouTube

Christian Michael Poynter: (Bandcamp & YouTube commentary)

The second track about Jade Harley, this time focusing on her newfound endowment as the Witch of Space.

Let Me Get My Shades Listen on: YouTube

Christian Michael Poynter: (Bandcamp & YouTube commentary)

While Dave Strider is so cool that no single song could do him justice, "Let Me Get My Shades" is my take on everyone's favorite hero in aviators

Just a Couple of Badass Kids Listen on: YouTube

Christian Michael Poynter: (Bandcamp & YouTube commentary)

A theme of the 8 heroes of homestuck, and a track to sum up the album

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