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Homestuck Anniversary (excl. Act 6) - Commentary

Album released 6/12/2023.
43 words across 5 entries.

Homestuck Anniversary (excl. Act 6) Listen on: Bandcamp


An album celebrating Homestuck's anniversary. Tracks released on April 13th and June 12th for Homestuck and Hivebent respectively. Also includes covers of Showtime by Malcolm Brown and Theme by Toby "Radiation" Fox.

Maukustus: (original album art)

[06/12/10] 12th bilunar perigee of the 6th dark season's equinox. Listen on: Bandcamp, SoundCloud

Maukustus: (original track art)

Maukustus: (alternate track art)

Wriggling day Listen on: Bandcamp

Maukustus: (alternate track art)

View original file ( kB MB). (Heads up! If you're on a mobile plan, this is a large download.)