YES WE CANWC - Commentary
Album released 8/30/2017.
1.8k words across 45 entries.
YES WE CANWC YES WE CANWC (album commentary) Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube (playlist)
Preziden Obana's musical masterpiece, detailing his life and future in 17 tracks of pure democracy.
This album was planned when we realized we had a few pretty long obana songs in 9, while the album was looking to be a second cool and new volume s*x: hair transplant in sheer length. We quickly agreed to make an obana album to contain these masterpieces, and with time the album grew into more than a tiny afterthought. Let's enjoy the album and make LODAD great again!
ackro: (Album Artist)
this art was originally supposed to be the track art for econony in state of disrepair but we needed album art before the deadline and we didnt have any so we just used mine. also scaro is the one who did the cool dramatic lighting on the head so dont give me too much credit. i tried doing some lighting for it myself but ended up just saying fuck it and put a bunch of orange shit on there. anyway i hope you guys enjoy my contributions to the team! this is my first album here and the team is basically like hsd but if hsd only had people who were cool.
The Inaugural Inauguration of Barack Obana Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
CogentInvalid: (Composer)
this song is one minute and fifteen seconds long.
what could you have accomplished with your life in the time it took you to listen to this song?
-read a book -write a poem -consider milk -ignore politics -pretend to be blind -pretend not to be blind -rotate -reclaim your life from the infectious depression that torments your every waking moment -decide to become an astronaut -ride an elevator -purchase almonds -fall in love, get married, have children, live a long and happy life -purchase almonds -purchase almonds
Makin: (President)
MaketheC spoke for the last time in December 2016 and it's doubtful he'll be here to write commentary for this mysterious piece. Press C to pay respects.
Dollers and Danger Forever Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
Wheals: (Composer)
The idea of the song was to create march music for Obana's reign, with the inspiration of course of Stars and Stripes Forever (because, while a fair bit of American music was being referenced on the album, it was mostly the same songs over and over). I'm not entirely happy with it in that sense, because it doesn't reach my original goal of making a song strongly reminiscent of Stars and Stripes Forever without directly referencing it, ala She's a Sp8der.
XenoZane: (Artist)
not to stroke his ego too much but doing a parody of the nevermind album art was makin's brilliant idea
it's stroking my ego too much, you failed
Makin: (Seven Years Later)
Here's the (censored) album art for Nirvana's "Nevermind" for reference.
Recession Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
I can't believe the economy is fucking dead.
ft-rj: (Artist)
okay so the way this happened was i got a graphics tablet and this was the literal first thing i did, and also the album needed art
(canmt are killing the economy, please help, our inflated bandcamp prices are seriously damaging the net worth of existence)
!!! WHITE HOUSE SHOWDOWN, (econony in state of disrepair)! !! Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
ft-rj: (Composer)
ok so right i just decided using 3000 notes on a single piano roll channel was what i wanted to do with this track
ask me for a midi file because i can verify this
Nights: (Artist)
supreme over the top anime showdowns are what i live for
Ruins (of econony) Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
Kusoro: (Composer)
Makin: (Artist)
I am the president of my LODAD
ECONONY is my body and recession is my blood
I have created over a thousand debts
Unknown to Clinton
Nor known to Bush
Have withstood pain to crash many markets
Yet those pockets will never hold anything
So, as I pay, Unlimited Public Works.
Baby Obana's Theme Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
Akalabeth: (Composer)
Baby Obana is a complicated character, who derserved a complicated and nuanced theme. I simply gave the people what they wanted and created possibly the greatest obana song meme possible. I transcribed the Kenyan National Anthem (Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu) and slapped a Touhou toy piano on that lil' shit. The signature Homestuck motifs are only there to solidify the cool and new nature of Obana's character. Hopefully you will hear this song and believe in a future of change, hope, and memes.
Minish: (Artist)
i was gonna do a porky thing but it didnt make much sense so i did a doctor baby and put obana on it and i am awesoem. he has a gun im not sure anyone looking at it noticed, but he is holding a gun. dont ever say minish did not draw baby obama hlding a gun, because he did. he did do this and this album is the evidence you need to 100% confirm this. somebody once told me that i would never reach this point in my life but i did. this is very evident from the track art you can see there. if you actually took the time to read this on the stream i congratulate you. please say "minish is a very good content creator" in chat in my honour, thanks
You Mean the Chaos Emeralds? Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
Frost Carter: (Composer)
It's funny, I first saw the video this song is based on during the 9 stream. I've always been a Sonic fan, so doing a Sonic based song seemed like a no-brainer for me after I saw the video.
PoisonedElite: (Composer)
"You mean, The Chaos Emeralds?" but yeah that post is pretty funny, applause to Difarem and FrostyMac to doing a lot of the beginning and getting me to do this.
Difarem: (Composer)
commentary? what commentar- oh. all i did was rewriting the first bars of the track with new instrumentation after i heard cookie complaining about the original.
tempest2k: (Artist)
I actually like the half pipe. It's overdone, sure, but it's better than Blue Speheres. Seriously, fuck Blue Spheres.
ackro: (Artist)
fuck you blue spheres is the shit half pipe is for normies.
bobthetacocat: (Artist)
okay so cookie(fonster) told me to write what i did for the track art before i even finished my part of the track art. i'll write what i did after, but i'm keeping this here
you know what, actually, no. that's all i'm writing for the track art commentary. fuck you cookie
Storming the Whyte Hous Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
pizzagremlin: (Composer)
i made this song for 9 but it was one of like six obana songs so thats why theres an obalbum. hey can we call it the obalbum. it sucks but also i love it.
XenoZane: (Artist)
im not an artist
dont @ me
[INTERMISHIN] Secant Soivice The Radio Drama: Episode318 Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
PoisonedElite: (Composer)
I originally wanted to make a theme song for the nakkodiles with shades that act as Obana's Secret Service (which i thought it would be funny to call them Secant Soivice) but I decided to do a radio drama style thing for them instead and this is how it turned out. I hear NPR a lot when in the car so I decided to butcher it with bad compression and throw it in. Enjoy.
ackro: (Artist)
i think the only thing im proud of in this is the nak espn logo gag.
Sorry for Breaking into ur White House Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
NyashAlex: (Composer)
me in the 1st decade of june: hmmm let's make an obana track
me in the 3rd decade of june: shit i'm late for the deadline, i guess i'll finish it somewhen
me two months later: fuck it has been two months, almost an eternity, how do i even work with this thing and is it even a thing at all, what the hell have i done 2 months ago, how do i unravel this mess
Makin: (Artist)
Not much to say about this one, it's a shameless ripoff of one of many meme apology forms on the internet, with some mspaint pencil art representing [s] tiptoes, the one flash with the thing. good times, good times.
Corrupt Politician Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
pizzagremlin: (Composer)
this is kind of embarrasing i just quit in a massive meltdown after someone said the obalbum was a bad name but i still didn't do commentary for this one. the first version of this was an earthbound sounding one but it used hail to the chief like half the songs on here so i scrapped it and made something original. now im going back to being angry that obalbum isnt the official name. also be sure to put this song after my last one so the story behind obalbum is easy to follow.
ackro: (Artist)
i kinda just made this one as like a miscellaneous meme art for the album and just threw it here cause it fit well enough. not really that much of an interesting story. sorry guys, looks like im failing as a canmt member.
A Boring Day in the Office (without Jhon) Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
NyashAlex: (Composer)
Possibly my first completely original track done after somewhat realizing how to harmonize things (i'm still unsure that my understanding of harmonization is as it must be......).
One of my buddies says that this track suits post-finale Mordecai from Regular Show and I should've named it ""Repeat and Rewind"", so there's that.
Makin: (Artist)
Ironic, that I would parody an art NyashAlex himself made for this musical track. 1x SHOWDOWN COMBO is great and even thematically related to this album, I could not not do it.
NyashAlex: (Composer)
Obana Bomba Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
AlphaShire: (Composer)
I thought of the name Obana Bomba so I just went with it, the song was actually sort of rushed because it was finished the night before I left for vacation. Even though it was rushed it actually songs pretty good and is one of the best songs I've made as of writing this.
XenoZane: (Artist)
i opened up gimp, downloaded some obama picture, and i dont remember what happened after that. somehow this image ended up in my documents folder...
Battle Against A Baby President Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
Ray Mike: (Composer)
Ummmmmmm... I can't think anything to write so, get out of here please, there's nothing important to read.
hey man, stop reading
yo, seriously, stop now
wh-what the hell?
really, s-t-o-p
Nights: (Artist)
this is probably gonna be my last art piece for a while so im hoping to end it on a good note with something nice. also read oceanfalls.
Obana Legend Figher Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
AlphaShire: (Composer)
This song was originally supposed to be a remix of baby legend but then when I made the beginning it sounded sort of like street fighter music so I just added figher to the end of it and made it sound kind of like fighting music, I didn't have the much experience with making music when I made this so it just ended being motif vomit, some parts sounded liek they could be their own songs so I've started working on making them into songs, not much else to say except that I'm thankful cookiefonster made it sound good.
cookiefonster: (Arranger)
Editing other people's Famitracker files is hell but I hope it was worth it.
Scarodactyl: (Artist)
I don't even know anymore
AlphaShire: (Artist)
I was just practicing drawing until I thought, hey I can use this for an Obana song, I used it for my own song as to not dissapoint anyone who worked hard on a song to be unhappy with the art, I finished it and was debating whether or not I should use it but people said to just do it so I did, later Scarodactyl added shaing and made it look badass which just turned this song into being some shit I pulled together and other people making it awesome.
You Killed the Econony (Prepare to Die) Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
Nicholas Nakano: (Composer)
"not enough canwc smh" -myself, cookie, literally everyone
ackro: (Artist)
funny story about this one, i actually made it before i even knew there was an obana album in progress. i think it was like my second art i made for the team, and it just happened out of a random bout of inspiration. when i saw this song i said to myself, "well now i HAVE to put this here." so here we are.
barack obana presents the story of cool and new music team Listen on: Bandcamp, YouTube
Makin: (Artist)
Somebody once told me LODAD is gonna roll me
I ain't the sharpest ham in the shelf
He was looking kind of dumb with his finger and his thumb
In the shape of an "L" on his forehead
Track list (1–17)