
Cool and New Homestuck

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Lanzado el 3/9/2016.
Duración: ~1:41:42.

Escucha en Bandcamp.

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Act 1: (~3:43)
  1. (0:05) 『SHOWTIME』 ~~BEGIN CANH ACT 1~~ por Cecily Renns
  2. (0:41) Backyard Dumb por Bambosh
  3. (2:07) Showtime (Marching Band) por 413
  4. (0:50) Sburban Cascantdown por Noisemaker
Act 2: (~6:08)
  1. (0:08) 『EXPLORE』 ~~BEGIN CANH ACT 2~~ por Cecily Renns
  2. (0:56) Aggrieve! por Wheals
  3. (1:48) UPWARD REDVX por Minkt
  4. (0:46) Cascantan Reversal por Noisemaker
  5. (2:30) Explored por ostrichlittledungeon
Act 3: (~16:47)
  1. (0:08) 『JUNGLE』 ~~BEGIN CANH ACT 3~~ por Cecily Renns
  2. (2:02) Heedful Fads por flagellumVagueness
  3. (0:42) Smackdown por Noisemaker
  4. (1:18) HarleBand por 413
  5. (1:20) Slamdown por Noisemaker
  6. (1:15) Chorale for Caliborn por 413
  7. (0:45) Reveilleawesome- Sad Polka Mix (With Gong) (No Vocals) por Discfortune
  8. (0:27) Oh God por Griever
  9. (3:11) The Beginning of Something Really Electronic por Wheals
  10. (1:02) Contra por Noisemaker
  11. (3:35) SFXan Jungle por ft-rj
  12. (1:02) Three in the Morning (4 1/3 Hours Late Remix; CaNon edit) por Ngame
Act 4: (~14:57)
  1. (0:07) 『FLARE』 ~~BEGIN CANH ACT 4~~ por Cecily Renns
  2. (1:25) Neverending Ascent por ft-rj
  3. (1:12) Atomyk Scy-Fy por BitesizeBird y scumstar
  4. (2:43) Venom Pools for Eons por Cecily Renns
  5. (2:14) Checkmate (Should I use Stalemate instead since there's already a song called Checkmate?) por Noisemaker
  6. (2:42) How do I live? (Put the quality back in the album version) por Bambosh
  7. (4:34) go down (cool and new Mix) (feat. John J "Damn, Now Those Are Some Tunes" Renns) por Cecily Renns
Act 5: (~1:00:07)
  1. (0:09) 『NEGASTRIFE』 ~~BEGIN CANH ACT 5~~ por Cecily Renns
  2. (3:06) the worst song on the album por ft-rj
  3. (2:23) Nurse Joy por MoreEpicThanYou747
  4. (3:16) CAN'T WAKE UP por Makin
  5. (3:32) Umbrella Tomato por Interrobang
  6. (2:22) Savior of oppositenesses por Shwan
  7. (2:40) Mayorlovania por Noisemaker
  8. (1:05) I started a joke! por 413
  9. (2:33) You Know, You Could Cut Yourself With That Edge por Griever
  10. (1:38) UPW4RD SN1FFM3NT por cookiefonster
  11. (3:01) Deaf Injustice: Ignoration!! por cookiefonster y Shwan
  12. (2:41) Deaf Injustice: Ignoration!! (No Effects Ver.) por cookiefonster y Cerulean
  13. (2:04) tycoonival por Shwan
  14. (4:14) Timestop por Noisemaker
  15. (2:18) Flarezzzzzzz por Shwan
  16. (4:31) Savior of the Screaming Dead por Griever
  17. (2:23) Black Yard, Green Fun por Shwan
  18. (13:10) CANWCade por Noisemaker, Shwan y Griever
  19. (2:53) Tick Tock Comes the Bad Wolf por Cecily Renns y cookiefonster
  20. (0:08) 『HOMESTUCK』 ~~END OF DISC 1~~ por Cecily Renns

Añadido a la wiki el 13/4/2023.

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(Cool and New Homestuck — video playlist rescoring Homestuck flashes)


Cool and New Homestuck is some kind of horrifying amalgamation between Homestuck's iconic flash animations, and the CANWC Music Team's iconic shitty music. I tell a lie though, because we kind of forgot to make this album shit.



(Trailer - Cool and New Homestuck)


(Community listening stream w/ chat)

Vea archivo original ( kB MB). (¡Cuidado! Si estas en móvil, esta es una descarga grande.)