

carátula del álbum

Carátula por Knil Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes 2 Previo banner del álbum por este artista.
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Lanzado el 30/11/2020.
Duración: ~2:12:47.

Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube (lista de reproducción).

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Disc 1: (~39:29)
  1. (0:56) >>DiscOne<< por Tee-vee
  2. (2:25) Spare Friendship, Ma'am? por pizzagremlin
  3. (4:05) Here on Alternia por GhostElevator
  4. (2:01) today i put......... JELLY on this hot god por Tee-vee
  5. (3:20) Scrubbing Until Morning por GhostElevator
  6. (1:41) Gravedigger's Dirge por GhostElevator
  7. (2:21) Dreams of Flight por GhostElevator
  8. (2:36) Desert Daring por heir-of-puns
  9. (3:29) Beneath the Night Sky So Dark por GhostElevator
  10. (3:06) Hi everyone, Antony Fntano here, Alternia's busiest music nerd, and it's time for a review of the new Chixie Roixmr album, por Tee-vee
  11. (2:15) it's hard, being famous. it's hard and nobody understands por astropod
  12. (2:51) leech por Gryotharian
  13. (2:18) assault and battery por Gryotharian
  14. (2:05) Carefree Consternation por GhostElevator
  15. (4:00) |||Optic Duelist||| por Rainy
Disc 2: (~46:24)
  1. (0:25) >>DiscTwo<< por Gryotharian
  2. (3:45) Marvelous Marauder por Rainy y Tee-vee
  3. (1:37) no *kills you* por astropod
  4. (2:29) Caught in the Facts por Panfex
  5. (2:33) Paradox Pariah por Caelan Kier
  6. (3:02) Mother To Many por GhostElevator
  7. (3:10) Improved Acumen por GhostElevator
  8. (2:30) oWo por Chesswanderlust-sama
  9. (3:46) we waste time JADED por Tee-vee
  10. (3:13) Naive Harmony por GhostElevator
  11. (3:28) *Legal Fees Pending por Scorpyus
  12. (3:37) Exhausted Hope por Gryotharian
  13. (3:50) Bullet Brain por GhostElevator
  14. (3:32) *teleports behind you* por Gryotharian
  15. (3:09) Lonely Little Gremlin Girl por GhostElevator
  16. (2:18) Middleclass Daydream por heir-of-puns
Disc 3: (~46:54)
  1. (0:48) >>DiscThree<< por Scorpyus
  2. (2:55) Zillow for Evil Lairs por GhostElevator
  3. (2:32) Chelicerae por heir-of-puns
  4. (3:29) Pop Pills Get Girls por Scorpyus
  5. (2:46) Blatant Plagiarism por Scorpyus
  6. (6:01) Dumbass Terminal por Tee-vee
  7. (1:13) growing up por GhostElevator
  8. (1:59) WORST (fri)END por Gryotharian
  9. (2:56) Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness por Tee-vee
  10. (2:26) *Suplexes piano* por Scorpyus
  11. (2:31) Sleeping in the cheerful sis's hair por Chesswanderlust-sama
  12. (2:18) General Clownery por astropod
  13. (3:00) Phantasmagoria por Scorpyus
  14. (4:02) The Show Must Go On por Scorpyus
  15. (3:36) You're the Whole Circus por Tee-vee
  16. (4:22) The Puppetmaster por Gryotharian

Añadido a la wiki el 12/1/2021.

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Comentario del artista:


Chesswanderlust did the very nice Bandcamp theme and header along with all the art for songs that didn't have track art yet a few days before release!

Tee-vee did a ton of work prooflistening / mastering the whole, very long album.

Scorpyus, Gryortharian, puns, and Tipsygnostalgic really stepped up to help organize the album and give ideas when I (Ucklin) got super busy.

Makin uploaded the album and came up with the name, as well as making sure all the details I forgot were taken care of!

This one truly couldn't have come out without some new people stepping up and doing work on the team, and I appreciate it immensely!

Vea archivo original ( kB MB). (¡Cuidado! Si estas en móvil, esta es una descarga grande.)