
Stuckhome Syndrome Part One V1: Years In the Past

carátula del álbum

Por Robert J! Lake spellmynamewithabang Bandcamp YouTube YouTube spellbang Twitter Libre (feat. Robert J! Lake) Previo album por este artista.
Carátula por Robert J! Lake spellmynamewithabang Bandcamp YouTube YouTube spellbang Twitter Shortcuts Previo banner del álbum por este artista Anew, Again Siguiente banner del álbum por este artista.
Lanzado el 13/4/2016.
Duración: ~11:18:32.

Escucha en Bandcamp.

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Main album: (~2:03:10)
  1. (2:35) Hivebent Anthem
  2. (2:11) Sburban Echo
  3. (2:43) Entangled With the Void
  4. (2:10) Soft Happy Pal
  5. (2:52) Listen to the Lovely Weather
  6. (2:29) It's Been a Long Time
  7. (3:00) A Mom's Mom
  8. (3:22) Heir Transplant
  9. (2:42) Battle Theme for the Lost at Heart
  10. (2:59) Instructions on How to Fix the Future
  11. (3:32) Null/Void
  12. (2:51) Parenthetical Excitation
  13. (2:18) Crock n' Roll
  14. (2:24) Unsoftly
  15. (2:23) TEAM_HeIR_sburb_beta_v.01_fully_cracked.rar
  16. (3:24) Jadestep
  17. (2:41) A Classy Prospitian Lady
  18. (1:24) Alone, But Not Lonely
  19. (2:22) Lost
  20. (2:47) Sbversive Jungle
  21. (2:52) Music of Space
  22. (3:31) Uranium Flow
  23. (3:27) Bird Versus Bee
  24. (1:45) Farewell to the Old Extreme
  25. (2:57) Adagio Redshift
  26. (3:06) D.
  27. (2:29) Premonition
  28. (2:27) Premonition Overdrive
  29. (2:04) Tempo Rarely
  30. (2:30) Game Over
  31. (4:25) Song for Rose Lalonde
  32. (2:07) Every Rose Has Her Thorn
  33. (3:06) Voices of the Dead
  34. (2:31) Long Gone
  35. (3:01) Afraid of the Darko (Final Mix)
  36. (1:36) (flow)
  37. (2:46) unhackable.~ath
  38. (3:53) Stroke Death
  39. (2:32) The Harmony of Having Had and Lost
  40. (2:40) The Wayward and the Ward's Way
  41. (2:45) Born Without a Name
  42. (7:15) Boy Skylark
  43. (2:51) Four Kids and a Game They Play Together
  44. (1:25) untitled (epilogue)
Bonus tracks: (~9:15:22)
  1. (0:35) Intermission One
  2. (2:02) Dreambubble
  3. (0:56) Biophosphoradelectableandmostdelicious
  4. (2:44) Do Anbroids Dream of…?
  5. (1:21) TEAM_HeIR_sburb_alpha_v.06_fully_cracked.rar
  6. (2:01) Stardust Speedcore
  7. (2:03) Wanderlost
  8. (1:08) Subconscious Meetup
  9. (2:06) Bass Shift
  10. (2:38) Curb Stomp the Finale (Remotivate Yourself!)
  11. (2:26) Entropy
  12. (1:06) TAB RUSH
  13. (2:12) Lullaby of the Furthest Ring
  14. (1:17) Downward Movement
  15. (2:46) P.S.
  16. (2:29) Lovetred
  17. (3:02) Pleasant/Pressure
  18. (3:09) Of Magic Towers, Swords, and Sorcery
  19. (0:15) Allidile
  20. (2:29) Slime Pie
  23. (2:16) Tobias Funk/Ron Swansong
  24. (2:45) Islander
  25. (1:33) Jane's Dragon
  26. (3:04) Webster's Sacred Compass Manual
  27. (2:32) Squiddles OP 1: Supercrush Guitar!
  28. (0:46) Squididdlydiddle (Squiddles Season 2 Theme)
  29. (2:54) Squiddle Rave Attack Bass Squadron Alpha Two
  30. (1:23) Go Rest Our Heroes
  31. (2:08) Hope
  32. (2:40) Sortable Loss
  33. (2:02) Heir Time
  34. (0:54) Something Mostly Excellent
  35. (2:29) Hello Hello!
  36. (1:45) A Really Hot Clock
  37. (2:08) Moment of Solace
  38. (1:32) Stupid Feline Nonsense
  39. (1:22) Intermission Two
  40. (1:17) A Day in the Kingdom of Light
  41. (2:05) Exiled
  42. (2:17) Vagabonding
  43. (1:30) Apocalypse Then
  44. (2:37) Get Home Soon
  45. (1:40) Mobius Double
  46. (1:00) Three Years
  47. (1:36) Already Here
  48. (1:33) Sleepytime Tea for Sleepytime Me
  49. (2:45) Sunglasses
  50. (2:09) Spades' Licks
  51. (2:09) Sandles
  52. (1:33) Bass Trick
  53. (1:48) Edgelord
  54. (0:29) Desert Creatures
  55. (0:42) Beautiful Wander
  56. (0:30) Bad Taste
  57. (2:35) Pocketwatch
  58. (0:53) A Bro's Bro
  59. (1:02) Mess With/Get With
  60. (0:46) We've All Been Dead Again
  61. (1:08) Intermission Three
  62. (0:39) Fargazing
  63. (1:16) Airthickness
  64. (0:53) Kernel's Pride
  65. (0:50) Happy Camping
  66. (1:25) Lusus Argument
  67. (2:02) Trollclap
  68. (0:40) Walking and Walking and Waiting and Waiting
  69. (0:43) Prototyping
  70. (1:24) Too Happy
  71. (0:14) Dave's Ringtone
  72. (0:46) Hopeful Romantic in a Hazardous World
  73. (0:23) Tech Hop
  74. (0:33) Questline
  75. (2:41) Quindance
  76. (0:54) Bubbliblub
  77. (1:12) A Daughter's Daughter
  78. (0:57) Colorless Courtjester
  79. (1:05) Tandem Heartbbeat
  80. (1:37) Dreamscape Breakout
  81. (1:21) Cruxtruder
  82. (1:30) Bad Future
  83. (1:31) Everything Will Be OK
  84. (0:59) Shopping on a Stupid Planet
  85. (1:06) The World Has Ended Once Again, And Now We Must Escape
  86. (1:57) Some Today I'll Get This Right
  87. (1:35) Cloudling
  88. (1:32) Ghosts, Buster
  89. (1:14) Halfways
  90. (0:45) Hardly
  91. (1:39) Harley's Quin
  92. (0:40) Harley's + David's Son
  93. (1:06) No, the Other Jack Black
  94. (3:44) Modern Fairytale
  95. (1:49) Late Nite Groove
  96. (1:29) Ectogarden
  97. (2:03) Are We All Friends Here?
  98. (1:00) Do Your Best, I Guess
  99. (1:06) Squiddle Gladiator
  100. (0:37) Something Really…Else
  101. (0:31) Lesson One
  102. (1:36) Bubblebeam
  103. (1:37) DiStri
  104. (0:48) Serenity's Whisper
  105. (1:20) Life on a Lonely World
  106. (2:01) Jadeblood
  107. (0:12) ????????
  108. (0:40) Appleberry Blast
  109. (1:17) Squiddles Party Time
  110. (1:22) Softly (Broken Hearts in Love Mix)
  111. (1:39) Paranoise
  112. (0:53) Other
  113. (1:40) Comfortable Shenanigans
  114. (0:50) 3 AM
  115. (2:05) The End of Something Really Excellent
  116. (0:39) Sprite Spirit
  117. (0:43) Ugh
  118. (3:01) Welcome to the Midnight Crew's Street Team
  119. (2:04) Deep Space Memory
  120. (0:49) Brobot
  121. (1:24) A Life Spent Dreaming
  122. (1:14) Memories of Something Out of Reach
  123. (2:49) Instructions on How to Wreck the Past
  124. (1:47) Dave & Jade
  125. (1:06) Consort Haiku
  126. (2:56) Wupswab
  127. (1:00) Skyquake
  128. (0:40) Zeropoint
  129. (0:59) Robbed Bank, Point Blank
  130. (0:57) Let's Make This a Thing
  131. (1:03) Ringaringaring
  132. (1:53) Inscrutable, Untenable
  133. (0:27) Imp Party
  134. (1:36) Subspace
  135. (1:42) The K Stands for Karkat
  136. (0:29) The Doof Behind the Veil
  137. (2:29) Light and Rain
  138. (1:08) Bubblebounce
  139. (1:13) Please, Stop
  140. (1:32) Man Skylark
  141. (0:33) Friends You've Never Known
  142. (0:30) Cool Buddy Time
  143. (0:52) Your Bluh Runs Cold
  144. (0:35) Mutie the Cutie
  145. (1:25) <3
  146. (0:46) Clock to Zero
  147. (0:56) Selftickle
  148. (0:59) Cosmic Halftime
  150. (1:16) Kiss Me Now or Never Do
  151. (1:49) Deepest Depth Charge
  152. (1:36) Too Much Time
  153. (1:36) Holding Hands at the End of the World
  154. (5:12) Unfuck the Universe
  155. (2:18) Stupid Hacker Hacking Song
  156. (0:58) Peaceful and Harmless and Posing No Threat
  157. (0:49) …Made Me Feel Sad
  158. (2:36) Final Hour, Final Day
  159. (2:09) Cutting your Hand on the Hard Edge of Existence
  160. (2:27) Inflammable Infirmary
  161. (2:49) Crush
  162. (1:25) Chilled Child
  163. (2:50) Fake Arms/Cake Arms
  164. (1:56) Rasterman
  165. (2:34) Antigod Slamdown
  166. (2:12) Useless Garbage Junk Mail
  167. (2:10) Coolkid/Grandkid
  168. (2:13) A Lot of Breeding
  169. (1:03) please help me Im trapped in Andrew hussies basement
  170. (2:13) Hello Stardust
  171. (1:10) Softlie
  172. (2:28) JACKPOP BABBY
  173. (1:43) Upgrade of the Darko
  174. (0:57) It's Not Your Fault, You Know
  175. (2:04) A I E
  176. (0:54) Anime Fanart
  177. (0:13) what the fuck is homestuck
  178. (3:18) Flannelgraph
  179. (1:31) Metaphorical Corkscrew Haymakers
  180. (1:51) Technobabylon
  181. (0:18) Michael Cera Photograph
  182. (2:18) try to keep in touch
  183. (1:15) ==>
  184. (2:37) This Factory is Asphyxiating My Heart
  185. (2:32) Haunts' Up?
  186. (1:49) Zazzerpants
  187. (0:36) XOXO
  188. (1:34) The Revolting Soda
  189. (1:14) un-un-un-undead
  190. (0:44) you won the bass battle but not the bass war
  191. (0:15) Meme Number
  192. (0:40) Within
  193. (0:17) Paintlicking
  194. (0:34) Intermission Four
  195. (0:39) Vermilion Picnic
  196. (0:17) Butterfly Effect Knife
  197. (0:36) Pseudoscience
  198. (0:10) Brodown
  200. (1:25) Ego Tripping on Planet X
  201. (1:04) Intermission Five
  202. (1:36) What is This, Again?
  203. (0:54) fncysntakind
  204. (0:16) Twitchybreath
  205. (0:57) World Reorder
  206. (0:19) Weirdo
  207. (4:49) Sudden Weather Change
  208. (0:14) Merrygoloop
  209. (1:25) bad music
  210. (3:10) Underneath
  211. (1:24) Asskick Prelude
  212. (0:18) (be passin out yarn like cheap cigars)
  213. (0:16) Game Mechanics
  214. (1:23) Fred Savage
  215. (1:03) Thereminute
  216. (5:23) Before Before the Beginning
  217. (2:13) Make Sure You Don't Forget
  218. (1:25) Industrial Hellfire
  219. (0:42) Ten/25
  220. (3:32) Speakercrab
  221. (1:36) Old Place, New Space
  222. (1:10) Cornball Horseshit
  223. (0:51) Sweet Catch!
  224. (0:21) Cakeday
  225. (2:40) Superbreakout
  226. (1:41) Zappy, Retconny
  227. (1:14) Welcome to Crockercorp
  228. (0:32) No Going Back.
  229. (2:18) Static
  230. (2:24) Squish Squash
  231. (2:02) Squiddly What?
  232. (1:30) Chuck's Tangle
  233. (1:14) Squid Dull
  234. (1:13) A Hugely Biggo Froggy Woggy
  235. (0:37) Spaceheadphones
  236. (1:49) Meteor Corridor
  237. (1:49) maybe a drunk teen isn't the best role model but what do i know
  238. (0:54) Wakey Wakey
  239. (0:56) dave got fat and everyone want him
  240. (1:01) A Little More Gay
  241. (1:00) clickypoppymelodarpy
  242. (1:04) Byoop
  243. (0:31) Casey at the Bat
  244. (3:50) A Young Girl Stands Alone
  245. (0:25) Skittlecolada
  246. (2:18) Looking Around an Unfamiliar Land
  247. (0:41) Transportalizer
  248. (0:26) Shitty Miracle
  249. (0:40) Sick Beats Mesa
  250. (3:07) the little girl who wasn't there
  251. (2:03) m e e t i n g
  252. (0:18) Even Silly Things are Dead
  253. (2:22) Chainsaw Lipstick
  254. (2:21) Sad-ish
  255. (0:42) Warm Fuzzies
  256. (2:20) Chuck Tingle Reference
  257. (1:12) Audio Kisses
  258. (0:47) Queen of Tiny Teenies
  259. (0:23) Nerds
  260. (0:15) Stupid Immortal Skull Monster Life
  261. (0:30) A Party for Idiots
  262. (0:51) Squiddlesneaks
  263. (0:22) Pesterchum
  264. (0:24) stalacticicle
  265. (2:35) All Things
  266. (1:04) Please Insert Disc 2
  267. (0:46) Luminous Planet
  268. (0:42) Troll Whiste
  269. (0:13) Tiger Get
  270. (0:14) Transmission From the Post-Apocalypse
  271. (1:24) Constellation Composition
  272. (0:13) DRAWING IS EASY.
  273. (0:29) Intermission Six
  274. (1:48) Canna Noodles
  275. (0:09) Toilet People
  276. (0:19) Patron Manbro
  277. (2:24) Hungrier and Angrier
  278. (3:10) Number One Fangirl
  279. (0:54) Leader of the Losing Team
  280. (0:10) the JUICE.
  281. (0:46) Honeypot Homewrecker
  282. (0:25) Realness Attribute
  283. (0:39) Twitching Foam Noises
  284. (0:12) Drum Break
  286. (2:37) Making Friends Because of Ends
  287. (1:22) Hypermetronome
  288. (2:01) Multiple Worlds Map
  289. (1:36) Under Siege by Planet Jupiter
  290. (2:56) Sleeping Pills
  291. (0:46) Thought's Eclipse
  293. (1:49) Ticktock Inquisitor
  294. (1:27) Middle Finger to a Black Hole
  295. (1:10) Cute Music for Cute Muses
  296. (1:09) where do these horses keep coming from
  297. (0:38) Hornography
  298. (0:17) Planetsmash
  299. (1:19) db
  300. (1:25) dave dot wave
  302. (0:40) Cornered
  303. (1:20) Hugsound
  304. (1:23) I Ran Out of Name Ideas
  305. (3:28) I'm Dying But I Sure Do Love Music
  306. (0:15) Clambell
  307. (1:57) Cold. Heat.
  308. (0:50) ok i just pressed a button what is happening make it stop
  309. (0:40) Happyghost
  310. (1:27) Obama's Rap Solo
  311. (1:02) Momtage
  312. (1:00) miss zupperlips
  313. (1:02) Waiting.
  314. (2:00) Caliborn's Metal Show is Terrible
  315. (1:54) Intermission Eight
  316. (3:31) Starsong
  317. (0:35) Bloopland
  318. (1:58) bllsdfjbaudsfb
  319. (0:13) Bleep Bleep
  320. (1:12) Alarm Tone for the Left Alone
  321. (0:38) Untitled?
  322. (1:05) Another Time, Another Place
  323. (1:29) Titled!
  324. (0:24) Know Your Dream
  325. (0:50) House Stuck
  326. (0:44) Prosh Pit
  327. (0:54) Squittle Talks
  328. (2:16) Isn't This "Is This the End?" Again?
  329. (4:29) Superguard
  330. (1:10) blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah ghost busters 2 mmorpg
  331. (1:04) Dial in the Frequency
  332. (12:34) One Two 3/4
  333. (0:30) Graffiti Children
  334. (2:17) GHOST GAUNTLET
  335. (0:55) Sleepscape
  336. (0:45) A Good Morning for Night People
  337. (7:22) Boy Skylark (Instrumental)
  338. (1:28) Kill Me Now or Never Do
  339. (1:35) Freestyle Parkour Master Chef
  340. (0:36) A Shape Without Angles
  341. (5:23) Toaster of the Tasty Bread
  342. (0:20) Spooksy
  343. (0:34) This Track's Filename Was "rockrockrockrockrockrockrockrockrock.wav" and I Think Listening to it Will Be Funnier Knowing That
  344. (2:22) Black Queen Throwdown
  345. (0:53) Catastrophic Conniption Fit
  346. (0:27) They've Earned It
  347. (1:26) He Isn't Even Stuck in His House
  348. (0:53) Thus Sprach Rudeyrudeman
  349. (1:01) Bunker Bro
  350. (3:12) Groove Row
  351. (0:48) Smoothly
  352. (0:58) Unununununtrustable
  353. (1:59) Wake Up Dumbass
  355. (2:28) Battledrobe
  356. (0:27) Rockin' Blue Raspberry Gushers
  357. (1:06) Fluorite Octet
  358. (1:42) GET IT OUT
  359. (0:13) Lemonsnout
  360. (1:35) Requiem for Something Really Excellent (Demo)
  361. (0:46) Final Boss Rehearsal
  362. (3:39) Sandy Beach on Saturn
  363. (1:25) Moonlit
  364. (1:19) Telescoping Lens
  365. (1:16) Funk it Up on Tapedeck One
  366. (1:02) Skaiajam
  367. (4:38) Homestuck Song
  368. (2:25) Years in the Past...
  369. (2:40) ...but not many

Añadido a la wiki el 25/10/2023.

Comentario del artista:

Robert J! Lake: (Bandcamp download blurb, excerpt)

Stuckhome Syndrome Part One, Volume One is a collection of every song I ever did for Homestuck that never got used, and it's a collection of every song I ever did for Homestuck - be they finished or even just light throwaway sketches - that never got used.

This will release more like a video game, with free DLC updates throughout the next few months. I'll update the album with a changelog and announce each swath of updates. Make sure you get a Bandcamp fan account when you buy if you don't have one already; that will let you download the album multiple times so you can keep updating to the current version. Aside from more polish, better mixing, and better versions of bonus tracks, you can expect expanded liner notes, track art, and more over the next few months - all included with the one time price.

If you don't wanna deal with all of this weird video game release methodology garbage, that's fine too! I'll be releasing this as a set of multiple split albums of more manageable size as I finish up each individual release, with the first in the near future, for if you just have a bunch of albums instead of one huge mutant thing! You'll be able to buy a pass for all of the albums for the same price as this album, so you won't be missing out. Make sure you're following me on twitter at for updates on that!

Thank you so much for supporting me!

Robert J! Lake: (Tumblr pre-order announcement, excerpt)

Here’s the breakdown:

APRIL THIRTEEN: Stuckhome Syndrome Part 1 V1: Years in the Past

The first and biggest (by volume, not effort) of the four albums is a collection of every unreleased Homestuck track I’ve ever made (with one important exception) polished up as much as I possibly can. It’s going to be released as a 43 track album with hundreds of bonus tracks included once you buy it, partially because putting 413+ songs on a single bandcamp page is a ridiculous, tiring amount of scrolling and I don’t want to put you through that.

Will have liner notes and all that for every song if I can hack it, plus track art (possibly yours! scroll down for more info)

JUNE TWELVE: Stuckhome Syndrome Part 1 V2: Gaiden (Reloaded)

Title in progress, I think, because that’s dumb, but this is all the songs I did for Homestuck Gaiden, plus from-the-ground-up remakes of all of them. I’m toying with getting other artists from the Gaiden page on there as well. So! Hopefully this will be a good compromise, given that the Gaiden page as it stands is basically a dead horse, which is something I’m pretty sure I can’t talk about further! So I won’t, uh, touch on that. (I’m sure someone has the files if you hunt around, but it won’t be me.)

AUGUST EIGHT: Stuckhome Syndrome Part 1 V3: Coolkid’s on the Block

My solo Dave album, originally planned for a What Pumpkin release years ago, finally hits your ears. Only about four years late. Plus all bonuses planned.

OCTOBER TWENTY-FIFTH: Stuckhome Syndrome Part 2: From Before the Beginning to After the End, PLUS A BIG HUGE SURPRISE

All those songs I did for Homestuck you heard already? Picture them completely reimagined. Each one gets a total rethink from the ground up, keeping the soul of the original in a fancy new 2016 body.

That same day, something insane is getting launched, and I think it will blow your collective brains, but nicely. I’ll tease it more closer to the date.

[Wiki note: As of this writing, no other Stuckhome albums have been released.]

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