
Bill Bolin

Notas de contexto:

Entries for tracks by Bill Bolin have been retained for the sake of preserving the intended structure and form of albums they appear on; however, it should be noted that Bolin left the music team after throwing a huge tantrum regarding "professionalism" and having tracks he hadn't formally released featured in the comic. While they still appear as their original releases in the albums on this artist page, they were promptly replaced with tracks by other music team members, and eventually Homestuck Vol. 1-4 was released, including several replacement tracks. The entire fiasco around Bolin has long been infamous within the music fandom.

It also came to public light later that Bolin had acted transphobic towards another music team member.

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Bill Bolin ha contribuido ~40:17 minutos de música compartido en este wiki.

Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de cuenta.)
Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de duración.)
Homestuck Vol. 2 (14/12/2009; ~7:39)
Homestuck Vol. 3 (15/12/2009; 2:05)
Midnight Crew: Drawing Dead (4/2/2010)
Homestuck Vol. 4 (13/4/2010; ~6:47)
>Exile< (14/6/2010; ~14:43)
More Homestuck Fandom (~4:51)
Unreleased Tracks (~4:12)
  • (0:28) 01 (mastering, syncing)
  • (0:28) 02 (mastering, syncing)
  • (0:28) 03 (mastering, syncing)
  • (0:28) 04 (mastering, syncing)
  • (0:28) 05 (mastering, syncing)
  • (0:28) 08 (mastering, syncing)
  • (0:28) 09 (mastering, syncing)
  • (0:28) 10 (mastering, syncing)
  • (0:28) 11 (mastering, syncing)


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