Saltar a: Flashes & Juegos.
Flashes & Juegos
- Fan animations (27/8/2020 – 29/12/2024)
- [S] WAKE - 3D REANIMATED (OLD) (animation, models)
- [S] JACK: ASCEND - 3D REANIMATION (animation, models)
- [S] G I R L (animation, models)
- [S] feline CARNIVAL (animation, models)
- [S] Prince and Mage (models, animations and script)
- [S] Wake REANIMATED (animation, models)
- [S] 3x SHOWDOWN COMBO - Reimagined (animation, models)
- [S] Scourge Prophecy | Vriska vs Noir (animation, models)
- [S] Seer: Ascend REANIMATED (models, direction, animation)
- [S] Flip | 3D REANIMATED (direction, animation, models)
- [S] JOHN. RISE UP. - REANIMATED (direction, animation, models)
- [S] Jade: Enter - 3D REANIMATION (animation, models, direction)
- [S] Seer: Ask | 3D Animation (animation, models, direction)
- [S] Scions' Dance | Grimdark Rose VS Noir (animation, models, direction)
- Echidna: Of Fates and Choices (animation, models, direction)
- CRESCENDO - HOMESTUCK Animated Series Pilot (animation, models, direction, script)
- [S] CASCADE - REANIMATED (animation, models)
- The Man in the Cairo Overcoat (animation, models)