James Dever
Este artista tiene una página de grupo: James Dever.
Visita en Bandcamp, Bandcamp, SoundCloud o Twitter.
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James Dever ha contribuido ~2:23:18 horas de música compartido en este wiki.
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de cuenta.)
James Dever (25 pistas)
Official Discography (17 pistas)
Beyond (14 pistas)
Fandom (4 pistas)
Homestuck Gaiden (3 pistas)
Additional Tracks (2 pistas)
Michael Guy Bowman (2 pistas)
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de duración.)
James Dever (1:54:46)
Beyond (1:30:38)
Official Discography (42:33)
Fandom (7:52)
Homestuck Gaiden (7:52)
Michael Guy Bowman (3:55)
Additional Tracks (2:15)
- Homestuck Vol. 5 (13/6/2010; 2:34)
- (2:34) Candles and Clockwork
- Homestuck for the Holidays (25/12/2010; 1:02)
- (1:02) Candles and Merry Gentlemen
- Sburb (13/7/2011; ~28:03)
- (1:43) Prelude
- (2:26) Genesis
- (2:06) Eden
- (2:08) Exodus
- (2:56) Requiem
- (2:16) The Meek
- (1:42) Chronicles
- (1:52) Rapture
- (4:02) Creation
- (1:07) Revelations, I
- (2:41) Revelations, II
- (3:04) Revelations, III
- The Wanderers (14/7/2011; 2:01)
- (2:01) Requiem for an Exile (con Solatrus)
- Land of Fans and Music (30/7/2011; 3:04)
- (3:04) L'etat de l'ambivalence
- Jailbreak Vol. 1 (16/10/2011; 3:46)
- (3:46) Be the Other Guy (con Perry Sullivan)
- Homestuck Vol. 8 (25/10/2011; 4:17)
- (4:17) Gust of Heir (con Michael Guy Bowman)
- Ithaca (1/1/2012; 3:55)
- (3:55) Ascension (con Michael Guy Bowman)
- Homestuck Vol. 9 (12/6/2012; ~5:38)
- (3:10) Red Miles (con Samm Neiland)
- (2:28) Candles and Clockwork (Alpha Version)
- Rowing (12/3/2013; ~16:10)
- Junior Recital (6/6/2016; ~22:55)
- (4:09) Raucousy
- (7:32) Reisher Fanfare
- (11:14) Intimate Strangers
- Senior Recital (6/6/2016; ~47:38)
- (4:42) The Fall
- (7:29) Soliloquy
- (10:05) Sand Molding
- (6:31) Toward Eternity
- (5:12) unrequited
- (13:39) New Irish Stew
- Bowmanstuck (10/1/2025)
- (4:17) Gust of Heir (relanzamiento)
- More Homestuck Fandom (~2:15)
- (1:28) The Undying
- (0:47) The Uranian
¡Véase galería de arte! O navegue la lista:
- Contribuyó arte a estos grupos:
Beyond (4 ilustraciónes)
James Dever (4 ilustraciónes)
- Senior Recital (6/6/2016)
- (carátula)
- Toward Eternity
- unrequited
- New Irish Stew
- The Felt
- Swing of the Clock (music team member, Tumblr)
- Sburb
- (comentario del álbum) (composer's notes - front)
- (comentario del álbum) (composer's notes - back)
- (comentario del álbum) (Bandcamp rerelease about blurb)
- Prelude (composer's notes)
- Prelude (Bandcamp rerelease about blurb)
- Genesis (composer's notes)
- Genesis (Bandcamp rerelease about blurb)
- Eden (composer's notes)
- Eden (Bandcamp rerelease about blurb)
- Exodus (composer's notes)
- Exodus (Bandcamp rerelease about blurb)
- Requiem (composer's notes)
- Requiem (Bandcamp rerelease about blurb)
- The Meek (composer's notes)
- The Meek (Bandcamp rerelease about blurb)
- Chronicles (composer's notes)
- Chronicles (Bandcamp rerelease about blurb)
- Rapture (composer's notes)
- Rapture (Bandcamp rerelease about blurb)
- Creation (composer's notes)
- Creation (Bandcamp rerelease about blurb)
- Revelations, I (composer's notes)
- Revelations, I (Bandcamp rerelease about blurb)
- Revelations, II (composer's notes)
- Revelations, III (composer's notes)
- Land of Fans and Music
- L'etat de l'ambivalence (booklet commentary)
- Homestuck Vol. 9
- Red Miles (Tumblr, excerpt)
- Candles and Clockwork (Alpha Version) (composer, via early commentary collection)
- Land of Fans and Music 2
- (comentario del álbum) (Tumblr reblog)
- Rowing
- (comentario del álbum) (Bandcamp about blurb, excerpt)
- (comentario del álbum) (Bandcamp credits blurb, excerpt)
- (comentario del álbum) (Tumblr release post, excerpt)
- Adagio (Bandcamp about blurb)
- Valse (Bandcamp about blurb)
- Meadows (Bandcamp about blurb)
- Meadows (Tumblr)
- Icarus (Bandcamp about blurb)
- Icarus (Tumblr)
- Junior Recital
- Senior Recital
- The Fall (SoundCloud description, excerpt)
- The Fall (YouTube description, excerpt)
- Soliloquy (SoundCloud description)
- Soliloquy (YouTube description, excerpt)
- Sand Molding (SoundCloud description)
- Sand Molding (YouTube description, excerpt)
- Toward Eternity (SoundCloud description)
- unrequited (SoundCloud description)
- unrequited (YouTube description)
- New Irish Stew (SoundCloud / YouTube descriptions, excerpt)
- New Irish Stew (YouTube description, excerpt)
- New Irish Stew (Bandcamp artwork, from "Music in Circles")
- New Irish Stew (Bandcamp about blurb, from "Music in Circles")
- More Homestuck Fandom