Lambda Elise Merryberry
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Lambda Elise Merryberry ha contribuido ~5:05 minutos de música compartido en este wiki.
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de cuenta.)
Fandom (4 pistas)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (3 pistas)
Cool and New Music Team (1 pista)
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de duración.)
Fandom (5:05)
Cool and New Music Team (3:51)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (1:14)
- BOWMANIA (10/3/2017; 3:51)
- (3:51) Cool and New Music Team's Credit Score (vocals; con Bambosh, Wheals, cookiefonster, Interrobang, Difarem, Rom M, WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES, BitesizeBird, loading, Shadok, Cecily Renns, olkiswerve, XenoZane, Discfortune, Bin, yazshu, Isoleucine, Makin, VulkanShawl, Ahnock, William Leonard, GoomFloops, ft-rj, Kal-la-kal-la, Mathias Ramalho, Minkt, Scarodactyl, StarlightCalliope, Pipko Fanfare, TirantBacon, NyashAlex, Minish, ostrichlittledungeon y Josh Noble)
- Land of Fans and Music 4 (9/9/2017; ~1:14)
- (0:32) ~~DISC 1~~ (con keyboard cait)
- (0:16) ~~DISC 2~~ (con keyboard cait)
- (0:26) ~~DISC 3~~ (con keyboard cait)
- Land of Fans and Music 2
- Three in the Morning (Kali's 2 in the AM PM Edit) (album organizer, booklet commentary)
- Fighting Spirit (album organizer, booklet commentary)
- •~Disk 2~• (album organizer, booklet commentary)
- Fighting Spirit ~Second Form~ (album organizer, booklet commentary)
- Ye Flarey Gentlemen (album organizer, booklet commentary)
- Gangsta (album organizer, booklet commentary)
- Ave Dei Novi (album organizer, booklet commentary)
- Land of Fans and Music 4
- (comentario del álbum) (booklet commentary, preface)
- ~~DISC 1~~ (composer, booklet commentary)
- Jungle #3 (album organizer, booklet commentary)
- ~~DISC 2~~ (composer, booklet commentary)
- ~~DISC 3~~ (composer, booklet commentary)
- Sugar Cubes (album team, booklet commentary)
- Fruitjam (album organizer, booklet commentary)