Luke Benjamins
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Luke Benjamins ha contribuido ~1:02:10 horas de música compartido en este wiki.
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de cuenta.)
Fandom (7 pistas)
Homestuck Gaiden (6 pistas)
Additional Tracks (2 pistas)
Official Discography (1 pista)
Beyond (1 pista)
Michael Guy Bowman (1 pista)
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de duración.)
Fandom (52:24)
Homestuck Gaiden (50:06)
Beyond (3:55)
Michael Guy Bowman (3:55)
Official Discography (3:14)
Additional Tracks (2:37)
- Jailbreak Vol. 1 (16/10/2011; ~50:06)
- (1:20) Logorg
- (1:08) Bars (con Robert J! Lake)
- (1:28) Drillgorg
- (2:22) Retrobution
- (0:42) i told you about ladders
- (43:06) Audio Commentary Featuring Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley, Luke "GFD" Benjamins, and Erik "Jit" Scheele (con Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley y Erik Scheele)
- Ithaca (1/1/2012; 3:55)
- (3:55) Ascension (eight bit sequencing; con Andrew Huo, Solatrus y Paige Turner)
- Stuckhome Syndrome Part One V1: Years In the Past (13/4/2016; 2:18)
- (2:18) Crock n' Roll (additional percussion; con Robert J! Lake)
- Homestuck Vol. 10 (12/6/2016; 3:14)
- (3:14) Feel (Alive) (con Robert J! Lake)
- More Homestuck Fandom (~2:37)
- (1:30) Feel (Old Ver.)
- (1:07) Feel
- Jailbreak Vol. 1
- Fanfare (album audio commentary)
- Jailstuck (Intro) (album audio commentary)
- Title Screen (album audio commentary)
- Logorg (album audio commentary)
- Elf Shanty (album audio commentary)
- Phantom Echoes (album audio commentary)
- Assail (album audio commentary)
- Confrontation (album audio commentary)
- Rising Water (Oh, Shit!) (album audio commentary)
- Moment of Pause (album audio commentary)
- Bars (album audio commentary)
- Jackknive (album audio commentary)
- Intestinal Fortification (album audio commentary)
- Console Thunder (album audio commentary)
- Be the Other Guy (album audio commentary)
- Softbit (album audio commentary)
- Drillgorg (album audio commentary)
- Retrobution (album audio commentary)
- Game Over (album audio commentary)
- Is This the End? (album audio commentary)
- This is the End (album audio commentary)
- Homestuck Vol. 10
- Feel (Alive) (composer, booklet commentary)