Rom M
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Rom M ha contribuido ~2:14:04 horas de música compartido en este wiki.
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de cuenta.)
Fandom (33 pistas)
Deconreconstruction (21 pistas)
Cool and New Music Team (8 pistas)
Additional Tracks (1 pista)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (1 pista)
Redditstuck (1 pista)
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de duración.)
Fandom (2:05:50)
Deconreconstruction (1:26:25)
Cool and New Music Team (28:23)
Additional Tracks (8:14)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (3:42)
Redditstuck (2:44)
- cool and new volume II (20/7/2016; ~10:42)
- (2:18) Even In Space
- (6:10) Corrupted Conquest
- (2:14) That guy from the comic
- Cool and New Homestuck 3 (26/12/2016; 9:03)
- BOWMANIA (10/3/2017; 3:51)
- (3:51) Cool and New Music Team's Credit Score (vocals; con Bambosh, Wheals, cookiefonster, Interrobang, Difarem, WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES, BitesizeBird, loading, Shadok, Cecily Renns, Lambda Elise Merryberry, olkiswerve, XenoZane, Discfortune, Bin, yazshu, Isoleucine, Makin, VulkanShawl, Ahnock, William Leonard, GoomFloops, ft-rj, Kal-la-kal-la, Mathias Ramalho, Minkt, Scarodactyl, StarlightCalliope, Pipko Fanfare, TirantBacon, NyashAlex, Minish, ostrichlittledungeon y Josh Noble)
- 9 (2/7/2017; ~4:47)
- (2:19) Stabby
- (2:28) Cool and New Funky Beat (Feat. Devious)
- Greatest Hits 2 (20/7/2017)
- (9:03) 7 GRAND END (relanzamiento)
- Redditstuck Vol. 3: Small Medium at Large (15/8/2017; 2:44)
- (2:44) COblivion
- Early Access (7/4/2018; ~4:36)
- (1:53) Queen Folly
- (2:43) Wicked Witch
- Vast Error Vol. 5: Side 1 (5/9/2022; ~12:05)
- (2:35) Two Sweeps Older
- (2:30) Purple Hot Mess
- (4:49) Indomitable (con SplitSuns y CASTIGADORA)
- (2:11) A Narrative Force
- Vast Error Vol. 5: Side 2 (12/9/2022; ~14:04)
- (3:17) Idle Playthings (Mimis Music)
- (6:03) corruptedcultist
- (4:44) Perfection
- Perils Of Probability: The Technicolor Terror From Beyond The Hyperthetical! (31/10/2022; ~6:23)
- (1:51) Two Spooks Greater
- (2:36) Spawn Of Scribe's Shadow
- (1:56) The Hotel California Lounge
- Magnum Opus (22/3/2023; 7:24)
- (7:24) Kheparia
- Faux Dramatica (12/5/2023; ~46:29)
- (2:25) Lament For A Dying Planet
- (4:35) Too Slow
- (3:42) Sillygoofysillygoofy (Ft. Andrea Libman)
- (3:49) Carnage Carnival
- (4:07) Dustcatcher Redux (Ft. Pylon) (con Pylon)
- (4:21) Bite The Hand That Feeds You
- (6:00) Turncoat
- (8:11) Requiem For A Dying Planet (Ft. The Emek Hefer Choir) (con The Emek Hefer Orchestra)
- (6:04) Naught
- (3:15) COGNITO HAZARD (Ft. Eddie Deezen)
- Land of Fans and Music 5 Act 2 (16/9/2023; 3:42)
- (3:42) Delta Version
- References Beyond Homestuck (8:14)
- (8:14) The Truth About Calder - Vast Error Dubbed (con Marcie Hobbs)
- cool and new volume II
- 9
- Stabby (Composer)
- Cool and New Funky Beat (Feat. Devious) (Composer)