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¡Véase galería de arte!
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WarxTron ha contribuido ~2:50:51 horas de música compartido en este wiki.
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de cuenta.)
Fandom (39 pistas)
Stalemate (18 pistas)
Cool and New Music Team (16 pistas)
Additional Tracks (6 pistas)
Unofficial MSPA Fans (3 pistas)
The Paradox Music Team (1 pista)
- Contribuyó música a estos grupos: (En orden de duración.)
Fandom (2:19:08)
Stalemate (53:18)
Cool and New Music Team (51:33)
Additional Tracks (31:43)
The Paradox Music Team (5:47)
- Intermishin (10/4/2017; 2:15)
- (2:15) Licord Jazzcrasty
- .jpeg (12/6/2017; 3:47)
- 9 (2/7/2017; ~4:44)
- (2:26) WANTED: Jack el Negro. REWARD: $720
- (2:18) Starsetter
- Greatest Hits 2 (20/7/2017)
- (2:19) Starsetter (relanzamiento)
- Megalovania FUSION COLLABORATION the hit song by toby "dont call me radiation" fox off the hiveswap soundtrack ft silver gunner and james roach (28/9/2017; 15:44)
- (15:44) Megalovania FUSION COLLABORATION the hit song by toby "dont call me radiation" fox off the hiveswap soundtrack ft silver gunner and james roach (con Difarem, Interrobang, ft-rj, WHATISLOSTINTHEMINES, XenoZane, Wheals, meems, yazshu, Shwan, Akalabeth, bobthetacocat, Pipko Fanfare, Cecily Renns, Wights End, Lace Luxim, Frost Carter, cookiefonster y Nicholas Nakano)
- CANWAVE 3 (25/3/2018; ~5:16)
- (2:32) Vapor BLΛNKocity
- (2:44) F E L T (フェルト)
- LICORD: You Can (Not) Sound Good (22/9/2018; ~4:28)
- (1:36) Nacrastical Engagement
- (2:52) Licord Jazzcrasty (Remake)
- Stalemate Vol. 2 (15/10/2018; ~15:43)
- (2:13) Inside The Jungle
- (2:34) Mother Mercy
- (2:05) Starlit
- (2:28) Skaian Revival
- (1:33) Darkest Sector
- (4:50) Absolutely Nothing
- _ (14/3/2019; ~12:24)
- (1:09) Swet Reunion
- (2:26) Savior of the Reawoken Patient
- (2:26) Strain (con TirantBacon)
- (3:34) Softcat
- (2:49) Battle Against a Furry Dictator
- Stalemate: Adieu (24/8/2019; ~37:35)
- (4:05) Auroras In Flight
- (3:05) Spheres
- (10:12) Toads
- (4:03) Heralds Of Horror
- (2:50) Toads [Flash Vers.]
- (1:36) Mentis The Menace
- (1:11) Buzz Off!
- (3:04) Friendly Fire
- (2:47) Parting Is Such Sorrow
- (0:40) Forever (Viola Version)
- (1:30) Shaded and Jaded
- (2:32) Passing Through To Somewhere New
- Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes 3 (13/4/2020; 5:47)
- (5:47) Soft as the Clouds
- Ophiuchus (Full Suite) (11/9/2020; 28:30)
- (28:30) Ophiuchus (Full Suite) (con David Ellis y Fabricio Podestá)
- cool and new volume 3 (2/7/2021; 2:55)
- (2:55) Skaian Spirograph
- Land of Fans and Music 5 (19/12/2021)
- (2:56) Skaian Spirograph (relanzamiento)
- (2:27) Strain (relanzamiento)
- (28:27) Ophiuchus (Full Suite) (relanzamiento)
- More Homestuck Fandom (~29:00)
- (4:46) The Lime Muse
- (6:16) The Blood Lord
- (4:19) Spacetime Subjugation
- (8:41) Takeover / Havoc (con David Ellis y Fabricio Podestá)
- (4:58) Spirals (Including Illusions of Freedom)
- References Beyond Homestuck (2:43)
¡Véase galería de arte! O navegue la lista:
- Contribuyó arte a estos grupos:
Fandom (5 ilustraciónes)
Cool and New Music Team (4 ilustraciónes)
- Intermishin (10/4/2017)
- Licord Jazzcrasty (con XenoZane y Scarodactyl)
- 9 (2/7/2017)
- fihgt each OTHE (25/10/2017)
- Leap of Faith (con Scarodactyl)
- CANWAVE 3 (25/3/2018)
- Vapor BLΛNKocity (con SplitSuns)
- Ophiuchus (Full Suite) (11/9/2020)
- (carátula)
- Intermishin
- Licord Jazzcrasty (Composer)
- .jpeg
- weeb jhon: ascending friendzone (Composer)
- 9
- WANTED: Jack el Negro. REWARD: $720 (Composer)
- Starsetter (Composer)
- Starsetter (Artist)
- Ophiuchus (Full Suite)
- cool and new volume 3
- Skaian Spirograph (Composer)
- Land of Fans and Music 5
- More Homestuck Fandom