Brobots - Comentario
Album released 13/4/2024.
67 palabras en 2 entradas.
Brobots Brobots (comentario de album) Escucha en: SoundCloud, YouTube y Newgrounds
meadowsofmoo: (YouTube description, excerpt)
hopy shit I started this song in september last year... i suuuck at being consistent
Dirk Strider - Made by BBPanzu [Colors & Mayhem]
Squarewave - Made by Me... It's legit a Speak & SpellDirks voice lines are from the Voice Over Nexus Homestuck reading.
meadowsofmoo: (Newgrounds Author Comments, excerpt)
Based off [S] RAP-OFF!!!!!!!!!!
I started this song September last year and it sat there, pretty much done for like 3 whole ass months 😭😭
No track commentary.