
FORTUNE - Comentario

Album released 18/4/2019.
198 palabras en 1 entrada.

FORTUNE Escucha en: Bandcamp y YouTube

horizon: (Bandcamp about blurb)

full illustration/official audio:

before anything else, this is ultimately a demo! it will be edited more when i go through the big album cleanup later this year, but i have a soft spot for where it is right now, and i don't want to make any more changes until i know what it's going to be paired with. anyway!

it's difficult for me to talk about this song. i started writing it three years ago in response to the clarion call of a very negative relationship that an ex was trying to revive. "i'm only a body to this person," i thought at the time.

eventually that line became the chorus, but over the years since i began writing it, my frustration with the subject matter -- greed, abuse, lack of empathy -- broke through into a satirical parroting-back of the things some people would prefer us to be: ever-accommodating supplies of attention and catharsis.

i wanted to reclaim those "i'm only a body" lines and transform them into something as haunting on its face as it was to me personally... but i also wanted people to know what a surprise they'll be in for should they view others as such.

Vea archivo original ( kB MB). (¡Cuidado! Si estas en móvil, esta es una descarga grande.)