
Nombres adicionales o alternativos:

  • Fidusspawn (Adventure Lies) (contest-submitted name)

Por Ian White myusernamesmud SoundCloud Growin' Up Strider Previo pista por este artista Brostuck Siguiente pista por este artista y Eston Schweickart eschweic SoundCloud siasinsilence Tumblr Growing Up Previo pista por este artista Olive Rogue Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por Durandana.
Lanzado el 2/4/2012.
Duración: 0:57.

Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.


Pistas que referencian Bronze Page:

De Fandom:


There is a land that I know, it is real and not just make believe
One where friends will defend one another to the end, and you never have to leave

A boy with the love in his heart, 'boldened by the courage in his soul
He will fight for the rights of the fairies and the sprites, a hero among trolls

You sitting there watching troll TV, get on up and come with me!
Adventure lies and soon you will be, watching Fiduspawn!


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