Por Andrew Huo
Phantom Echoes
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Dr. Squiddle
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Carátula por Robert J! Lake
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Siguiente arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 16/10/2011.
Duración: 2:06.
Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.
Lea en comentario de artista.
Pistas que Confrontation referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
- Showtime (Original Mix) por Malcolm Brown
- The Beginning of Something Really Excellent por Robert J! Lake
Flashes & juegos que incluyen Confrontation: Flashes & juegos que incluyen esta pista:
Comentario del artista:
Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley, Luke Benjamins y Erik Scheele: (album audio commentary)
GFD: Oh, here we go.
Jit: This is— RJ!: [bad song imitation] Jit: —more Adghar. RJ!: Yeah, definitely.
Nick: So, what is this? GFD: Me and RJ were part, were inspirations for the song, a little bit. You can hear quotes from some of my songs that had never actually been out ever. Uh...
RJ!: Am I really an inspiration for this, because I was listening to it and I didn't notice.
GFD: Uh— Nick: Wait, what was the inspiration? GFD: —Andrew H. took like two really, really frickin' old tracks that I made a long time ago.
RJ!: He said it was Jade inspired and I guess, would that mean that there's some, um... Wait... I'm listening right now... I can't notice any uh, if there's some Beginning of Something Really Excellent in here.
GFD: Isn't it Gardener that's in here?
RJ!: That's what Beginning of So—, yeah, yeah. GFD: Wait. I don't know my Homestuck songs very well.
RJ!: Beginning of Something Really Excellent is the original, um, it's the same melody as in Gardener. Gardener is just the thing that Steve Everson took and he took mine, and put it to a fake bass sample.
GFD: Oh.
RJ!: Yeah... But it's the same melody, the original is Beginning of Something Really Excellent, but it's easier to call it Gardener so just do that. He gave it the name.
GFD: It was, oh, we skipped over that part already. The minor part back there was inspired by "eerie.mp3" if anybody remembers that from me.
RJ!: I don't.
GFD: No, nobody does.
Jit: I think I have that in my computer somewhere.
RJ!: You should give it to me so I can remix it.
Jit: I kind of store everything I ever download Homestuck and I put it in like a, in a folder on my computer.
RJ!: The Elf Shanty artwork is scaring me. Jit: It's some old stuff and there is that one song that Bowman made for the Crowsprite that never got used.
GFD: Awh... Anybody remember Mechanic Panic?
RJ!: Yes.
Jit: Yeah, I think I have that one on my computer too— RJ!: That didn't make it onto this album, sadly.
GFD: I know, it was one of the very first songs that I remember from the forums... when Andrew was like "Here, make a boss battle song."