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Por Kalibration kalibration Bandcamp kalibration SoundCloud kalibration2 SoundCloud screamcatcher Bandcamp screamcatcher SoundCloud YouTube YouTube kalibration Twitter Otro wwretched wwaltz Previo pista por este artista Dishonorable Highb100d Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por runesby runesby Tumblr.
Lanzado el 17/11/2011.
Duración: 2:04.

Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.

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i got the green light from kali to post my track art for the tomb of the ancestors album just a bit early (and i mean a bit–the album's very likely coming out later tonight)!

long story short, i wasn't the original person chosen to draw the empress, but for reasons unknown the original artist was unable to complete their artwork, and so i was asked to stepped in. needless to say, i p. much jumped at the offer. this has actually been done for about a month now, haha.

the album canon, for those who don't know, is actually different from the actual canon (i believe it's because the album was actually finished before the ancestors were revealed, but don't quote me on it)! i was told to draw the empress in my own image, and after listening to her track i came up with this. once you hear it, i think you'll agree???

anyway, sorry for the long-winded explanation but i hope you guys enjoy the album as much as i did!!!

p.s. i'd also like to thank kiddy for doing a couple of color adjustments. <3

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