
First Tumor, Second Life

carátula de la pista

Por Beau Brian YouTube YouTube PurriFeral Affections Previo pista por este artista Those Who Tread the Furthest Ring Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por Knil Time on My Side 16-Bit Cover Previo arte de pista por este artista Spare Friendship, Ma'am? Siguiente arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 12/6/2019.
Duración: 2:23.

Escucha en Bandcamp.

Lea en comentario de artista.

Comentario del artista:

Beau Brian: (composer, booklet commentary)

This is, of course, a song about Meenah, and hovv she used essentially the original Tumor to blovv up the Beforus session so that they could all at least continue to exist as ghosts after their Scratch.

I really only <aguely remember making this track to be honest
I just remember a spot on the sheet opened up, and I vvanted to fill it.

I forgot at the time the song actually has to be rele<ant to the album, big doof that I am, so I vvas racking my brain trying to think of any vvay at all to connect this song to Beforus.

I couldn't just restart either; I'd posted my VVIP link vvhen it vvas already in a stage pretty close to hovv it is novv.

On a vvalk back from the store, I briefly remembered The Tumor, and figured "Eh. It's the closest thing to real Beforus drama I can remember."

(RIP my ears, for trying to open the original .vva< file on a basic phone. That vvas loud and terrifying.)

Beau Brian: (composer, booklet commentary, quirk-free)

This is, of course, a song about Meenah, and how she used essentially the original Tumor to blow up the Beforus session so that they could all at least continue to exist as ghosts after their Scratch.

I really only vaguely remember making this track to be honest
I just remember a spot on the sheet opened up, and I wanted to fill it.

I forgot at the time the song actually has to be relevant to the album, big doof that I am, so I was racking my brain trying to think of any way at all to connect this song to Beforus.

I couldn't just restart either; I'd posted my WIP link when it was already in a stage pretty close to how it is now.

On a walk back from the store, I briefly remembered The Tumor, and figured "Eh. It's the closest thing to real Beforus drama I can remember."

(RIP my ears, for trying to open the original .wav file on a basic phone. That was loud and terrifying.)

Vea archivo original ( kB MB). (¡Cuidado! Si estas en móvil, esta es una descarga grande.)