Nombres adicionales o alternativos:
- Dave's Theme "ill probably just name this one something normal oh no aw beans" (Steam)
- PESTERQUEST: ill probably just name this one something normal oh no wait oh jeez aw beans (SoundCloud)
- Dave's Theme, "ill probably just name this one something normal oh no wait oh jeez aw beans" (in-game credits)
Por James Roach
please support The Trevor Project
Previo pista por este artista
24/7 lo fi anime beats to question your sexuality to
Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por Homestuck
please support The Trevor Project
Previo arte de pista por este artista
24/7 lo fi anime beats to question your sexuality to
Siguiente arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 13/9/2021.
Duración: 4:50.
Escucha en SoundCloud o YouTube.
Lea en comentario de artista.
Pistas que ill probably just name this one something normal oh no wait oh jeez aw beans referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
- Davesprite por Toby Fox
Flashes & juegos que incluyen ill probably just name this one something normal oh no wait oh jeez aw beans: Flashes & juegos que incluyen esta pista:
Comentario del artista:
well cats outta the bag i did the dave route. when andrew approached me about writing it i had very little writing experience outside of my personal projects. im glad andrew had faith in me and i hope you guys like it. itll come out at 11 AM EDT.
for this one and the next routes music im gonna try and keep with the tradition of uploading it the morning of.