Por ostrichlittledungeon
It Came From Volume 8
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T H E M E (AKA Ballad for Penumbra Phantasm)
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Carátula por yazshu
Fresh Jimmy's Fresh Orchestraz
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Lanzado el 20/1/2017.
Duración: 3:07.
Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.
- Bambosh bamboshu Twitter ← [NSFW] Penumbra オーガズム:百万ドルリミックス( Gunshow Singalong )の小ローン Previo contribución de pista por este artista → Median Siguiente contribución de pista por este artista (narration)
Pistas que Intro referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
- The Star-Spangled Banner por Francis Scott Key
- Gunshow 2 Theme (Instrumental) por ostrichlittledungeon
Pistas que referencian Intro: Pistas que hacen referencia a esta:
- De Fandom: Pistas de Fandom que hacen referencia a esta:
(The year is 2020. President Trump has led our nation into one of the worst econonic recessions in the history of the Earth. Imigrants are pouring through the southern border. Just look at that chaos! If you thought the econony was bad with Obana in charge, think again! And not only has Trump destroyed the country, but he's running for re-election! His challenger? Representative Cory Booker from New Jersey. It's up to the intrepid Jhon Ebgret to make his way to the White House and assassinate the president, evil Trump, so that he can finally have Cory in the House! Is he a bad enough dude to off the President of the United States himself? Don't turn that dial! It's... CANWAVE TWOOOOOO!)