
Nombres adicionales o alternativos:

  • The Real Heroes (contest-submitted name)

Por Nathan H. ebonhawk7x SoundCloud ebonhawk7x Newgrounds ebonhawk7x DeviantArt Red Disc Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por Zilon notzilon Tumblr notzilon Twitter Drift into the Sun Previo arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 2/4/2012.
Duración: 2:15.

Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.

Lea en comentario de artista.

Pistas que referencian Jade Mother:

De Fandom:

Comentario del artista:

Nathan H.: (via early commentary collection)

Inspiration for this piece came after listening to a segment of Hans Zimmer's "Attack" from the Pearl Harbor Soundtrack. I intended for the song to have a 'majestic' tone, but initially couldn't think of a character to set this theme to, so I chose the four beta kids. However, after being reassigned characters I think the piece fits equally well if not better with the Dolorosa.

Zilon: (Tumblr)

My submission for the album art contest!! Finished super-late!! YEAH!!!!

I figure if any character would allow me to

  1. stick symbolism into the piece and
  2. exploit the "looks good at low effort" methods of stained glass

it's the Dolorosa.

EDIT: LMAO WHOOPS in my relief and panic from finishing barely on time I realized I uploaded the wrong one. And also submitted the wrong one. Guess who has two thumbs and has a good chance of being disqualified!! (this guy.)

At least the brighter version will be on my blog, I think this one looks more like light is actually shining through it.

Vea archivo original ( kB MB). (¡Cuidado! Si estas en móvil, esta es una descarga grande.)