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Por Rainy andyomon00 SoundCloud rainywishes Tumblr YouTube YouTube andyomon00 Twitter Redeye (feat. Kasane Teto) Previo pista por este artista Nibiru Cataclysm Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por dizzims. dizzims Twitter Redeye (feat. Kasane Teto) Previo arte de pista por este artista Crazy Phrog Siguiente arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 24/2/2024.
Duración: 3:29.

Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.

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Pistas que referencian Little Shop Of Horrors:

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Comentario del artista:

Rainy: (YouTube description, excerpt)

Now going from the newest song on the album to one of the oldest. I did a decent amount of composition for this track in 2020/2021 iirc. Unlike Redeye, LSoH was a fully formed piano draft that was left to sit for 3ish years. I knew when Niberu was coming together that I’d finally get my chance to finish the song. Compositionally, the song is pretty much identical to the original draft I wrote in 2020/2021. Production-wise however, it’s an entirely new song. Romelia’s kinda spooky and I wanted her song to ooze “B-Horror Movie” energy. I took a lot of influence from the expected Halloween esque songs but also took cues from Hip Hip and Glitch pop production. “Pac-Man” by Gorillaz and “After Third Heaven” by Death’s dynamic Shroud were major influences. It's just a very normal song where nothing bad ever happens :^)

Vea archivo original ( kB MB). (¡Cuidado! Si estas en móvil, esta es una descarga grande.)