
Nombres adicionales o alternativos:

  • MegalovaniaC (name in booklet)

Por Xenocidebot.
Carátula por melodiousDiscord Sburban Rush Previo arte de pista por este artista Shame and Doubt Siguiente arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 30/7/2011.
Duración: 1:42.

Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.

Lea en comentario de artista.

Pistas que MegaloVaniaC referencia:

Comentario del artista:

Xenocidebot: (booklet commentary)

When I heard the original MeGaLoVania, it was the synth-sounding bit in the Alterniabound flash, and not the full album version. So I genuinely thought I was doing a rock cover of a synth-rock song and didn't mess with the instrumentation or anything else too drastically. Kinda wish I had in retrospect for differentiation's sake.

Strangely, the guitar used to record this broke shortly after doing so, followed by a massive string of equipment failures with my studio setup, so I wasn't capable of redoing the track for this release. I blame using a seven-string for is now apparently an eight-string's song and somehow getting cursed with horrible luck. Alas, you can't blame fictional children on an insurance claim.

melodiousDiscord: (booklet commentary)

MeGaLoVania + Rock. A potent combination when mixed! A similar yet more complex piece when compared to Fashionable Escape. Both had characters that I cut out of the panel and edited to fit my purposes. I really do like how this one turned out though. My original draft had curtains on each side of her. I went back and cut them out though. I thought "okay, it's metal, there should be smoke". The lights were already in place so when I added the smoke effect I was awed by the effect it had. From there I touched things up and added Vriska's background lights. ::::)

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