
Moment of Pause

carátula de la pista

Por Robert J! Lake spellmynamewithabang Bandcamp YouTube YouTube spellbang Twitter Title Screen Previo pista por este artista Bars Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por Ginnie Sea.
Lanzado el 16/10/2011.
Duración: 1:27.

Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.

Lea en comentario de artista.

Comentario del artista:

Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley, Luke Benjamins y Erik Scheele: (album audio commentary)

GFD: And now, what's this? What is this track? What IS this track?
RJ!: This is the pause theme. GFD: Oh, yes, this is the one you made—
RJ!: While mastering the album. GFD: WHILE you were mastering the album.
GFD: Yes, while mastering, because you needed a transition.
RJ!: And it wouldn't work, yeah. GFD: Ya weirdo.
GFD: Oh well, it's not as bad as me finishing... Eh, actually, no, it is worse than me finishing a song three days before the album, so what am I talking about.
Jit: Hey, I only put up like, my WAVs last night 'cause I was like, "uhhh, something going on with this?"
[collective laughter] Jit: "Oh, I should get my WAVs then. Here you go." GFD: Did you know this was being released today?
Jit: ...No? [collective laughter] Jit: Not really, no. GFD: Man...
Jit: 'Cause Radiation was like, "I think I'll hold it off until after the end of acts" and I was like...
RJ!: When did he say that?
Jit: He said it on the forums or something.
GFD: Well... RJ!: Wait, wait.
Jit: As if he was the one who was deciding when it went out too, was weird. GFD: Uh, well...
RJ!: Yeah, that's kind of... scary.
GFD: Well, that's not happening anymore.
Jit: Whatever... No, screw him.
RJ!: He says publicly, for the public record.
[laughter] Jit: Yeah. Screw Black too.
[laughter] Nick: Yeah, how 'bout that— GFD: Yeh. Nick: —Radiation, or should I say... mmMMMmGAYdiation.
Jit: Does he even have any tracks on this album?
RJ!: No, he does not have any tra—

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