Nombres adicionales o alternativos:
- Back to Life suite: First Steps/Back to Life/A World Awake (SoundCloud)
- [BONUS] Myststuck Suite (Full Version) (Bandcamp)
Por David Ellis
Atoms in the Snow
Previo pista por este artista
Now I'm a Villain
Siguiente pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 13/6/2018.
Duración: 16:13.
Escucha en Bandcamp.
Lea en comentario de artista.
- Clouds Haberberg ← Back to Life Previo contribución de pista por este artista (vocals)
- Adam Beveridge ← Back to Life Previo contribución de pista por este artista (trumpet)
Pistas que Myststuck Suite (Full Version) referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
Comentario del artista:
David Ellis: (composer, Tumblr, excerpt)
Back to Life suite: First Steps/Back to Life/A World Awake
This is the audio of the full suite of which Back to Life - the song in the video - makes up the middle section.
Thanks again to Clouds and Adam for their performances.
A little commentary:
The basic idea for the piece started after Colours and Mayhem was released (Was that really over 3 years ago!?) and it’s essentially an attempt to rework the Cyan Beast theme into a song intended for Jane Crocker (Cyan Beast was written for John originally).There are actually some short bits of the writing lurking back further on the blog:
First sketch of the chorus idea (with horrible crackling noise now for some reason?)
Outline of the Verse/Chorus