Perxenic Highlands
Por Rowyn Berlan
Dormant Wishes
Previo pista por este artista
Radiant Dunes
Siguiente pista por este artista y Pascal van den Bos
Of Striders and UAHHGs
Previo pista por este artista
A Noble Goodbye
Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por animmania
Dormant Wishes
Previo arte de pista por este artista
Radiant Dunes
Siguiente arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 25/10/2019.
Duración: 2:59.
Escucha en Bandcamp, YouTube o Spotify.
Lea en comentario de artista.
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Comentario del artista:
Rowyn Berlan: (composer, booklet commentary)
Pascal you beautiful lad... He helped me out so much with this song and I couldn't be happier with the end result.
Pascal van den Bos: (composer, booklet commentary)
Uh yeah so Rowyn texted me at 3am asking if I wanted to help them on a song that they got stuck on for their solo album, clearly i dont sleep so i replied with a cheerful "HELL YEA". They sent me a pretty cool piano sketch that already had some of that signature "Timeless Sauce" on it, so I started having ideas for it pretty quickly. Prior to making this i had been listening to a lot of 16-bit fast paced stuff, specifically a lot of the Gadobadorrer soundtrack so i used a lot of SC-55 (labeled as the Gadobadorrer soundfont) in this. I also incorporated an old piano sketch called "Driven Factor" which was a Penumbra Phantasm ish remix of "Fate of the Heir" at the start of the song but in a more SotWW kinda style with the layered flutes, wind sound effect, strings, piano tuned to C6 etc (there will never be enough Fate of the Heir remixes, they will never stop). Then things start heating up with SC-55 drums, bass and an organ and Rowyn's signature usage of the ChronoTrigger soundfont. I also really wanted to add a bitcrush transition into chiptune breakdown since i had only recently gotten the magical8bitplug and dBlue Crusher (i really love dBlue Crusher holy shit) and i really love how they were used in Umbral Ultimatum. The tempo changes were inspired by me trying to recreate Eridan's theme lol, i just thought they were really cool so i wanted to incorporate that myself, and a kid from my class complimented me on it so CHECKMATE CRITICS B). Then some brass in the final section because Rowyn wanted some epic "Jake brass" in there followed up by a final chiptune solo thing with 3 magical8bitplugs playing at once and then to a slow section with the detuned EP and strings again, also a samplepack called "Angstrom Glockenspiel" cause i had also just gotten that and it just sounds perfect for the song imo (really good glockenspiel pack, would use again). In the end this is probably one of my favorite songs that i ever made and it was a lot of fun to work on with Rowyn, overall experience: 69 unannounced secret of mana drum soundfont swaps out of 10. Epic job on the album Rowyn B)
P.S. - To anyone reading this, don't open multiple instances of Edirol Orchestral at once in your DAW, i did do that and I also forced Rowyn to do it not knowing it would stab FL 3 times in the neck resulting in this project file crashing at least 12 times in total. Appreciate midi routing kids.
P.P.S - I just realized P.S. also stands for plasticSaturnia HA HA, how humorous
P.P.P.S - Perxenic Highlands sounds like a type of weed, lmao