Prismatic Season
Por Beau Brian
Rebirth without Elegance, True is Resolve; Young is the GAME
Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por MarbleMint
~~Disc 4~~
Siguiente arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 13/4/2019.
Duración: 4:51.
Escucha en YouTube.
Lea en comentario de artista.
Pistas que Prismatic Season referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
- Crystalanthemums por Alex Rosetti
- Explore por Buzinkai y Michael Guy Bowman
- Penumbra Phantasm por Toby Fox
Comentario del artista:
Beau Brian: (composer, booklet commentary)
This Crystal remix is actually my first attempt at a song vvith entirely digital-sounding instruments (I.e. savvs, skvvares, D>S sax and the like) but it sur<i<ed the dreadful soundtest so..
Anyvvay, it’s mostly a Crystal remix simply because nearly e<ery time I make something I can feel this song trying to inch it’s vvay in there, so I scratched that itch and ga<e it it’s ovvn song to try to hold it back.
It didn’t vvork.
Beau Brian: (composer, booklet commentary, quirk-free)
This Crystal remix is actually my first attempt at a song with entirely digital-sounding instruments (I.e. saws, squares, DVS sax and the like) but it survived the dreadful soundtest so..
Anyway, it’s mostly a Crystal remix simply because nearly every time I make something I can feel this song trying to inch it’s way in there, so I scratched that itch and gave it it’s own song to try to hold it back.
It didn’t work.