
Nombres adicionales o alternativos:

  • Psychoruins (quirk-free)

Por Toby Fox tobyfox Bandcamp tobyfox Twitter Otro fwugradiation Tumblr Phaze and Blood Previo pista por este artista Walls Covered In Blood Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por Josefin B. konansgirlfriend Tumblr Requited (Dirtiest Remix) Previo arte de pista por este artista What Once Was Siguiente arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 18/7/2010.
Arte lanzado el 25/10/2017.
Duración: 2:15.

Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.

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Toby Fox: (booklet commentary)

(AA Ruins Theme)

I originally wrote the chord progression (and arpeggios) to this song while I was still trying to go through with the original concept for Alternia. I was hoping I could make an alien-sounding song for Karkat's medium using only the hazy skies seen from his window as the inspiration. Unfortunately I only got a few measures done before I ran out of inspiration, and then we saw The Land of Pulse and Haze and I knew this piece was done for. Fortunately I was able to raise what I had written so far from the dead in the form of this track.

Somehow I synthesized that crying sound by accident, but I felt like it was entirely fitting as the mourning of the dead. So I stuck it everywhere.

This track reminds me of Illusion of Gaia and La-Mulana kind of. Two games with a lot of ruins and a bunch of ghosts, dead people, and mysteries. The part at the end in particular reminds me a lot of La Mulana, because that game is prone to very full synth solos with a lot of bending pitch affairs.

Today just found out AA was dead all along... this theme seems a lot more haunting now.


Homestuck: (original track art)

Vea archivo original ( kB MB). (¡Cuidado! Si estas en móvil, esta es una descarga grande.)