Secretary of Industrial Rap and Grunge Rock Kurt "MCRIDE" Cobain
Por olkiswerve
I legitimately hate blighttown
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Dead Secretary: Zero Health
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Lanzado el 28/5/2017.
Duración: 2:13.
Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.
Pistas que Secretary of Industrial Rap and Grunge Rock Kurt "MCRIDE" Cobain referencia: Pistas que esta hace referencia:
- Secretary of Health and Human Services Andrew Wakefield por Pipko Fanfare
- Heart-Shaped Box por Nirvana
- Drain You por Nirvana
- You might think he loves you for your money but I know what he really loves you for it's your brand new leopard skin pillbox hat por Death Grips
- Takyon (Death Yon) por Death Grips
Pistas que Secretary of Industrial Rap and Grunge Rock Kurt "MCRIDE" Cobain samplea: Pistas que esta samplea:
- Secretary of Health and Human Services Andrew Wakefield por Pipko Fanfare
- Heart-Shaped Box por Nirvana
- Drain You por Nirvana
- Takyon (Death Yon) por Death Grips
Pistas que referencian Secretary of Industrial Rap and Grunge Rock Kurt "MCRIDE" Cobain: Pistas que hacen referencia a esta:
Pistas que samplean Secretary of Industrial Rap and Grunge Rock Kurt "MCRIDE" Cobain: Pistas que samplean esta:
Hey! Wait!
I got a new complaint
Hey! Wait!
Your advice
Hey! Wait!
I got a new complaint
Hey! Wait!
Your adviceChew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
I like youWith eyes so dilated, I've become your pupil
You taught me everything without a poison appleYou wear it well (TA-kyon)
Here's to your destiny
Hysterics scream help (Kyon)
Don't worry in a few you'll all be somewhere else
Prepare yourselves (TA)
Freelance motherfucker (Kyon)
Get so fuckin dark in here
Come come fuck apart in here