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Por Thomas Ferkol eidolonorpheus Bandcamp eidolonorpheus SoundCloud EidolonOrpheus Twitter Nevermore (Can't Sleep, Crows Will Find Me) Previo pista por este artista Fracta Sub Luna Siguiente pista por este artista.
Carátula por rumminov rumminov Tumblr Violet Mariner Previo arte de pista por este artista The Lordling Siguiente arte de pista por este artista.
Lanzado el 14/3/2013.
Duración: 3:35.

Escucha en Bandcamp o YouTube.

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DID YOU KNOW: the Lyrist was originally called The Muse’s Lyre. When tracks had to be made in pairs however, each pair (or group) of musicians decided on dichotomous but stylistically similar names for their pieces. The original idea was to have it as The Lyre and The Liar (or The Muse’s Lyre and The Lord’s a Liar), but turns out Caliborn isn’t much of a liar, really, so it became The Lyrist and The Lordling!

Also, DID YOU KNOW: Toby Fox is not actually a Fox? HAH, just pulling your leg. Of course he is!

#I really liked those names #why couldn't caliborn have been a big ole liar too

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