Appears in 111 cover arts.
licord nacrasty
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
(Artwork by Jonah "Sanctferum" Paley)
Muse of Net
(Artwork by Tipsy)
LAYERS (coasters upon coasters)
(Artwork by ackro, Shadok, ft-rj, Nicholas Nakano, Scarodactyl, koykoy13, Cloudaria, Makin, Fruzmig, Fiskool, Nights, NyashAlex, Tipsy)
(Artwork by Nights)
blood, body horror (abstract)
click to show
Congratulations on Updating the Comic!
(Artwork by Tipsy)
Fighting Chance
(Artwork by Ephemerald)
(Artwork by Griever)
harlequin.exe is not responding
(Artwork by koykoy13)
Gone Home
(Artwork by Shadok)
Unfinished Beatdown Remix; DO NOT PUBLISH
(Artwork by Tipsy)
CaNWC for the Spookdays
(Artwork by yazshu)
body horror (abstract)
click to show
Pumpving Crakins
(Artwork by ackro)
Stop Time/End Space
(Artwork by Frost Carter)
le canrival
(Artwork by Scarodactyl)
{s] coaster: Rise and fall
(Artwork by Makin)
dabestep ULTRAMEGAMIX w aditionel drumbs
(Artwork by groeuf)
(intractive?) Character Selection Screen
(Artwork by William Leonard)
Big Bad Beta Kids
(Artwork by Scarodactyl)
(Artwork by SplitSuns)
(Artwork by VulkanShawl)
Rose: Escape
(Artwork by Sozzay)
(Artwork by yazshu)
(Artwork by Shadok)
Rose: Escape
(Artwork by Sozzay)
The Ultimate "O"down
(Artwork by Ephemerald)
Cool and New Funky Beat (Feat. Devious)
(Artwork by NyashAlex)
blood (abstract)
click to show
(Artwork by cookiefonster)
(Artwork by koykoy13)
(Artwork by Shadok, Hadron)
OFF course
(Artwork by Shadok)
jhon vs dabe
(Artwork by VulkanShawl)
Big Bad Beta Kids
(Artwork by Scarodactyl)
(Artwork by yazshu)
Legend of Jhon: Breath of The Nacho
(Artwork by Ephemerald)
nude battle
(Artwork by Wights End)
Crash Course in Creativity
(Artwork by Bambosh)
Melody of the Buttocks
(Artwork by yazshu)
Liquid Nightcorecity
(Artwork by Nights)
{s] coaster: Rise and fall
(Artwork by Makin)
(intractive?) Character Selection Screen
(Artwork by William Leonard)
Jhon's Lament
(Artwork by StarlightCalliope)
dabestep ULTRAMEGAMIX w aditionel drumbs
(Artwork by groeuf)
le canrival
(Artwork by Scarodactyl)
Cool and New Homestuck 3
(Artwork by Makin)
Skaian Skaia of Skaia
(Artwork by Nights)
Cool and New Homestuck 2
(Artwork by trip, Makin)
gnarly piono solbo
(Artwork by Makin)
(Artwork by VulkanShawl)
(Artwork by NyashAlex)
Archagent Everlasting
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
blood (abstract)
click to show
(Artwork by Makin)
go down (cool and new Mix) (feat. John J “Damn, Now Those Are Some Tunes” Renns)
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
(Artwork by Dap)
A Special Day In Medium
(Artwork by Nights)
How Do I Live Without Christmas
(Artwork by XenoZane)
COOL AND NEW Volume 7: At the Price of $104.13
(Artwork by yazshu)
Ocean Coasters Crashing
(Artwork by William Leonard)
Skaian Cloud
(Artwork by William Leonard)
arfchant evenlasing
(Artwork by Greenagon)
Tycoonan Jungle
(Artwork by olkiswerve)
Inside Daddy's Chest
(Artwork by Makin)
Atomyk Beatdown
(Artwork by Toast)
Deth of Dabe
(Artwork by XenoZane)
A rollercoast ending
(Artwork by Makin)
Energeia Strife
(Artwork by yazshu)
I don't wanna smoke an e-cig
(Artwork by nunndoes)
here's an idea
(Artwork by Skyplayer)
rubs juice
(Artwork by SlantedSlash)
Garden of Cool and New
(Artwork by groeuf)
clockwerk sorrye
(Artwork by avocado)
waste of a track slot
(Artwork by GoomFloops)
(Artwork by ft-rj)
(Artwork by Makin)
Climbing Endlessly
(Artwork by Shadok)
(Artwork by avocado)
ruinds (with out strigns)
(Artwork by CogentInvalid)
call and new
(Artwork by yazshu, CreatorOfJanespeak, Makin, imnotglasses, cookiefonster, XenoZane, jakkyr, BitesizeBird, Kusoro, Skyplayer, avocado)
(Artwork by yazshu)
Showtime (Marching Band)
(Artwork by olkiswerve)
(Artwork by Makin, Interrobang)
Atomyk Scy-Fy
(Artwork by cookiefonster)
go down (cool and new Mix) (feat. John J "Damn, Now Those Are Some Tunes" Renns)
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
blood (abstract)
click to show
(Artwork by Makin)
doctor halation
(Artwork by yazshu, ft-rj)
Cross-Planetary Exploration ~ Moderato 2016
(Artwork by Bambosh)
Savior of the Coasting Rolled
(Artwork by olkiswerve, Wheals)
Doc Brown
(Artwork by Makin)
Mouth Doctor (thats just a dentist you dumb shit)
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde, Wights End)
Cross-Planetary Exploration ~ Allegro 2016
(Artwork by Bambosh)
Medical Practitioner
(Artwork by NyashAlex)
i need an abumbalnce!!.mp3
(Artwork by bobthetacocat)
Rex Mille Geromius
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde, Wights End)
cool and new volume II
(Artwork by Makin, yazshu, Bambosh, koba, BitesizeBird, Discfortune, Cloudaria, miraculousAvantgarde, Noisemaker, Pipko Fanfare, Hadron)
BeatSlide XD
(Artwork by jakkyr)
((S) Dabe: Acellerate
(Artwork by MrCheeze)
cool and new volume 2
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde, Makin)
Tycoonlight Sonata
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
Atomek Beatcendpyre Melodie
(Artwork by Hadron)
cool and new voulem.1
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
justice must be a serve
(Artwork by Zoey)
licord nacrasty
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
Archagent Everlasting
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
(Artwork by johnjammin)
Completely Delusional
(Artwork by Hadron)
upp word(s) movmeant (Fanon Edit)
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
upways moving [jhon own dabe]
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
ultimite fite!!!
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
(Artwork by Noisemaker)
~~~~ figting spirit ~~~~
(Artwork by MrCheeze)