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Appears in 35 cover arts.

licord nacrasty (Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
Harmonize (Artwork by jakkyr)
_ (Artwork by Nights)

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Fighting Chance (Artwork by Ephemerald)
FreshGermyQuenSprite (Artwork by Makin)
anotehr boring day at THE SCHOOL [FLAPSH BACK] (Artwork by Tipsy)
LICORD: You Can (Not) Sound Good (Artwork by Skyplayer, Scarodactyl)

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This is Cool and New (Artwork by ackro)
Downwards (Artwork by yazshu)
(intractive?) Character Selection Screen (Artwork by William Leonard)
A Basketball Calamity (Artwork by ft-rj)

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Fighting Spirit ~Double Ascended Form~ (Artwork by trip, Scarodactyl)

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Ectodaddies (Artwork by Thinking Suit)

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Medley (Artwork by Shadok)
A Basketball Calamity (Artwork by ft-rj)

blood (abstract)
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24x SHOWDOWN COMBO (Artwork by cookiefonster)
(intractive?) Character Selection Screen (Artwork by William Leonard)

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Fighting Spirit ~Double Ascended Form~ (Artwork by trip, Scarodactyl)
Germysprite (Artwork by William Leonard)
Cognize (Artwork by Nights)
Cool and New Homestuck 2 (Artwork by trip, Makin)
Harmonize (Artwork by jakkyr)
The Endless Black (Artwork by Ephemerald)
[FLASHBONK...] Sein Bro and Hella Feld (Artwork by William Leonard)
The Endless Black (aka Clockwork Negrocity) (Artwork by Ephemerald)
Meldey (Artwork by yazshu, Makin)
Harmonize (Artwork by jakkyr)
doctor halation (Artwork by yazshu, ft-rj)
Rex Mille Geromius (Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde, Wights End)
cool and new volume II (Artwork by Makin, yazshu, Bambosh, koba, BitesizeBird, Discfortune, Cloudaria, miraculousAvantgarde, Noisemaker, Pipko Fanfare, Hadron)
Germyquin (Artwork by Makin)
A-M-A-L-G-A-M-A-T-I-O-N (Artwork by Tetroxideo)
licord nacrasty (Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)

decapitation (abstract)
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MoonShitter (Artwork by Makin)
suburbon contdon (Artwork by Minish, Zoey)
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