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Hecka Jef

Appears in 106 cover arts.

XP Boogie (Artwork by Nights)
Endurance (Artwork by Haeldral)
Stuck in a Rut (Artwork by Unknown Artist)
Diminuendo for Six Voices (Artwork by flagellumVagueness)
LAYERS (coasters upon coasters) (Artwork by ackro, Shadok, ft-rj, Nicholas Nakano, Scarodactyl, koykoy13, Cloudaria, Makin, Fruzmig, Fiskool, Nights, NyashAlex, Tipsy)
_ (Artwork by Nights)

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Fighting Chance (Artwork by Ephemerald)
Swet Reunion (Artwork by Makin)
anotehr boring day at THE SCHOOL [FLAPSH BACK] (Artwork by Tipsy)
Nonunintentional Figting (Artwork by koykoy13)
harlequin.exe is not responding (Artwork by koykoy13)
Lost in Time (Artwork by Tipsy)
inpiscispere (Artwork by Skyplayer)
Aggrievanescence (Artwork by Tipsy)
Battle Against A True Spooky Boi (Artwork by AlphaShire)
Hello Jhon (Artwork by cookiefonster)
deudly firearms (ARE YOU NEXT?) (Artwork by ackro)

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This is Cool and New (Artwork by ackro)
Meme Voyage (Artwork by koykoy13)
(intractive?) Character Selection Screen (Artwork by William Leonard)

blood (abstract)
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Endure (Artwork by Wights End)

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Fighting Spirit ~Double Ascended Form~ (Artwork by trip, Scarodactyl)
Nobody kn"o"ws (Artwork by Ephemerald)
Two master classes, a knife enthusiast, and a green dude walk into a bar. (Artwork by Sozzay)
[s) rose / jef: strife! (Artwork by ft-rj)
you have got to be SHITTONG me (temp title) (Artwork by Makin)
7 GRAND END (Artwork by Nights)

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Medley (Artwork by Shadok)
Greifstrife (Artwork by Ephemerald, Scarodactyl)
9 (Artwork by Nights, yazshu)
Intro: I Turned My Daddy On (Artwork by Makin)
Intentional Unintentional Touhou (Artwork by Shadok)
uprising turnways (Artwork by ft-rj)
you have got to be SHITTONG me (temp title) (Artwork by Makin)
Two master classes, a knife enthusiast, and a green dude walk into a bar. (Artwork by Sozzay)

blood (abstract)
click to show
Endure (Artwork by Wights End)
STRIPE!!!! (Artwork by Bambosh)
out of time (Artwork by Wights End)
Nobody kn"O"ws (Artwork by Ephemerald)
.jpeg (Artwork by Shadok, Hadron)
OFF course (Artwork by Shadok)
No Fursuit, No Shoes, No Service (Artwork by William Leonard)
[s) rose / jef: strife! (Artwork by ft-rj)
Terminal (Artwork by yazshu)

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Legend of Jhon: Breath of The Nacho (Artwork by Ephemerald)
sweet gains and hellish jhon (Artwork by trip, Scarodactyl, Ahnock, TirantBacon)

decapitation (abstract)
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swet bro rebibal (Artwork by VulkanShawl)
(Un)Intentional Touhou (Artwork by CreatorOfJanespeak)
HECKACIoUS (Artwork by cryptologicalMystic)
u kiled swet bro - Prepare to Die (Artwork by Minish)
(intractive?) Character Selection Screen (Artwork by William Leonard)

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Fighting Spirit ~Double Ascended Form~ (Artwork by trip, Scarodactyl)
Sburban Tycoon (Artwork by ft-rj)
Cognize (Artwork by Nights)
Cool and New Homestuck 3 (Artwork by Makin)
XP boogie (Artwork by Nights)
Sweet Haunt and Hella Bass (Artwork by koykoy13)
7 GRAND END (Artwork by Nights)
Tycoonkind (Artwork by William Leonard)
Creata (Cool and New Synth Mix) (Artwork by CreatorOfJanespeak)
Cool and New Greatest Hits (Artwork by Aryll)
Unintentional Touhou (Artwork by koykoy13)

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Feel (Good) (Artwork by Makin)

blood (abstract)
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Flarezzzzzzz (Artwork by Makin)
Stubborn Thr"o"es (Artwork by Ephemerald)
A Very "O" Christmas (Artwork by olkiswerve)
Blaze (Cascarol cut of the Bells) (Artwork by Nights)
A Very "O" Christmas (Artwork by olkiswerve)
A Special Day In Medium (Artwork by Nights)
We are Cool and New (Hadron's Cut) (Artwork by Hadron)
s]hecka jef (Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde, Bambosh)

blood (abstract)
click to show
Death of Swet Bro (Artwork by Hadron)
てhe Deep Lament of heckacious jeferey (Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
you kiled swet bro prepair to di (Artwork by Shadok)
Guilty of Being Jhon (Artwork by Makin)
anonamousVengance (Artwork by Shadok)
clonck effect (Artwork by Nights)
Muse of Nanchos (Artwork by StarlightCalliope)
stairdown (to be continue;}? (Artwork by olkiswerve)
*swet revonge* (Artwork by Double Hats Eyewear)
[FLASHBONK...] Sein Bro and Hella Feld (Artwork by William Leonard)
Showup (Artwork by Makin)
Stubborn Thr"o"es (Artwork by Ephemerald)
A rollercoast ending (Artwork by Makin)
Meldey (Artwork by yazshu, Makin)
I don't wanna smoke an e-cig (Artwork by nunndoes)
Unintentional Touhou (Artwork by koykoy13)
Confliction (Artwork by CogentInvalid)
Ultimate Amazing Serious Remix (Live Ressurection on Stage) (Artwork by GoomFloops)
Dæscend (Artwork by Makin)
call and new (Artwork by yazshu, CreatorOfJanespeak, Makin, imnotglasses, cookiefonster, XenoZane, jakkyr, BitesizeBird, Kusoro, Skyplayer, avocado)

blood (abstract)
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Flarezzzzzzz (Artwork by Makin)
doctor halation (Artwork by yazshu, ft-rj)
Cross-Planetary Exploration ~ Moderato 2016 (Artwork by Bambosh)
Cross-Planetary Exploration ~ Allegro 2016 (Artwork by Bambosh)
Rex Mille Geromius (Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde, Wights End)
cool and new volume II (Artwork by Makin, yazshu, Bambosh, koba, BitesizeBird, Discfortune, Cloudaria, miraculousAvantgarde, Noisemaker, Pipko Fanfare, Hadron)
HECKA JEF SONB (Artwork by Hadron, o, MrCheeze)
gNARLY solbos dude (Artwork by Minish)

blood (abstract), corpse
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revengn (Artwork by Bambosh)
cool and new volume 2 (Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde, Makin)

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Feel (Good) (Artwork by Makin)

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are you next (umm strief maybe?) (Artwork by MrCheeze)
cool and new voulem.1 (Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
xistmas soong (Artwork by Makin)
Cool and New Web Comic (Artwork by Niklink)
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