Appears in 58 cover arts.
Muse of Net
(Artwork by Tipsy)
LAYERS (coasters upon coasters)
(Artwork by ackro, Shadok, ft-rj, Nicholas Nakano, Scarodactyl, koykoy13, Cloudaria, Makin, Fruzmig, Fiskool, Nights, NyashAlex, Tipsy)
(Artwork by ackro, Scarodactyl)
Battle Against a Furry Dictator
(Artwork by Tipsy, Scarodactyl)
CaNWC for the Spookdays
(Artwork by yazshu)
body horror (abstract)
click to show
Pumpving Crakins
(Artwork by ackro)
This is Cool and New
(Artwork by ackro)
le canrival
(Artwork by Scarodactyl)
(intractive?) Character Selection Screen
(Artwork by William Leonard)
Big Bad Beta Kids
(Artwork by Scarodactyl)
How Jack And Calliope Ran Away From An Imaginary Planet Together While Arguing About Whether It Really Did Exist Or Not
(Artwork by Linkslittlefriend)
Of Bork and Yifs
(Artwork by ft-rj)
Rose: Escape
(Artwork by Sozzay)
(Artwork by yazshu)
(Artwork by Shadok)
Intro: I Turned My Daddy On
(Artwork by Makin)
Rose: Escape
(Artwork by Sozzay)
Furry Monarch
(Artwork by Shadok)
(Artwork by NyashAlex)
blood (abstract)
click to show
(Artwork by cookiefonster)
Big Bad Beta Kids
(Artwork by Scarodactyl)
Legend of Jhon: Breath of The Nacho
(Artwork by Ephemerald)
How Jack And Calliope Ran Away From An Imaginary Planet Together While Arguing About Whether It Really Did Exist Or Not
(Artwork by Linkslittlefriend)
Melody of the Buttocks
(Artwork by yazshu)
(intractive?) Character Selection Screen
(Artwork by William Leonard)
le canrival
(Artwork by Scarodactyl)
Skaian Skaia of Skaia
(Artwork by Nights)
Sweet Haunt and Hella Bass
(Artwork by koykoy13)
Sunslammer is my music waifu
(Artwork by Shadok)
While CaNWC > Homestuck
(Artwork by Shadok)
Cool and New Homestuck 2
(Artwork by trip, Makin)
blood (abstract)
click to show
(Artwork by Makin)
(Artwork by Dap)
A Special Day In Medium
(Artwork by Nights)
Tycoonan Jungle
(Artwork by olkiswerve)
A rollercoast ending
(Artwork by Makin)
Doomsday Strife
(Artwork by yazshu)
(Artwork by yazshu, Makin)
here's an idea
(Artwork by Skyplayer)
Garden of Cool and New
(Artwork by groeuf)
Crystal Meth The Queen
(Artwork by DrWorm)
call and new
(Artwork by yazshu, CreatorOfJanespeak, Makin, imnotglasses, cookiefonster, XenoZane, jakkyr, BitesizeBird, Kusoro, Skyplayer, avocado)
(Artwork by yazshu)
Showtime (Marching Band)
(Artwork by olkiswerve)
blood (abstract)
click to show
(Artwork by Makin)
doctor halation
(Artwork by yazshu, ft-rj)
Cross-Planetary Exploration ~ Moderato 2016
(Artwork by Bambosh)
Savior of the Coasting Rolled
(Artwork by olkiswerve, Wheals)
Rex Mille Geromius
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde, Wights End)
cool and new volume II
(Artwork by Makin, yazshu, Bambosh, koba, BitesizeBird, Discfortune, Cloudaria, miraculousAvantgarde, Noisemaker, Pipko Fanfare, Hadron)
the march of jaed
(Artwork by Cloudaria)
Verr Dancy
(Artwork by 413)
interducing..... her royal high ness,, jaed hardly
(Artwork by frosted flakes)
cool and new voulem.1
(Artwork by miraculousAvantgarde)
justice must be a serve
(Artwork by Zoey)
(Artwork by Discfortune)
you are a furry
(Artwork by Makin)
~~~~ figting spirit ~~~~
(Artwork by MrCheeze)