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Additional or alternate names:

  • Musty Mafia (original name)

By Jebb jebbjabroni SoundCloud jebbjabroni YouTube jeberose Bluesky Eternal Pulse Previous track by this artist Grimdate Next track by this artist.
Cover art by lemonzestdoodle lemonzestdoodle Twitter Neocities lemonzestdoodle Other Under A Starry Night Sky Previous track art by this artist The Imminently Deceased Next track art by this artist.
Released 9/16/2023.
Duration: 4:13.

Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.

Read artist commentary.

Tracks that Ace-celerando references:

Artist commentary:


I got the idea for this track after watching S2E3 of Helluva Boss and thinking that making a track with a mafia aesthetic would be a cool idea. Also, around that time I heard Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit and was amazed at how many different parts and elements it had working perfectly in unison, and making a chaotic jazz-ish track was a great opportunity to try and replicate something like that.

This track was initially called Musty Mafia, however, when LOFAM came around, I realised that it would be a perfect track for the Midnight Crew/Spades Slick and decided to expand it from a small sketch to a full track (always save your music sketches lol). I decided to make the new title a pun, like most titles in Midnight Crew: Drawing Dead are, and so the title "Ace-celerando" came to be, coming from the words Ace and Accelerando (Although I had to go through variations such as Acelerando, Ace-lerando etc).

The scene that I imagine for this track is someone listening to an old record in a bar, the Midnight Crew sitting there, playing cards, drinking, when suddenly a violent gunfight breaks out. Four out of three members are defeated, and only Slick is left, however he gathers the strength he needs, reloads, and finally comes out on top in the end.

Also, 4:13, hehe. Gotta love when that happens.


As soon as I heard the gun sound effects I knew that Slick had to be wielding one.

Jebb: (LOFAM5A2 Discord liveblog commentary)

You know what's the single worst thing about this track
Oh well, the pun was too good to pass up on
Also, idk why this is the first track of Disc 3 but hey i'm not complaining lmao. Kinda honored, actually!

I still feel like the drums could have been mixed better, there always was some kinda problem with them
Mixing is the work of the devil
The drums kinda overblow the actual melody

Anyways, i myself am super surprised by how varied i managed to make this track
As i mentioned in the prior commentary, i really like how "messy" (in a good way) Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit sounds and the fact that the track managed to do the same sorta thing is really nice
Though if you actually wanted to play this live 1 to 1 you would need 3 saxes and 2 pianos lmao
I remember wanting to make the drumline more varied but in the end i didn't do it, mostly because i didn't really have anything more to add
Idk if people noticed but the piano at 1:44 is playing the melody the violin played earlier because the violin is busy doing another thing... Cool..!

Btw, later i noticed just how similar the vives at the 1:54 are to that one part of Ticket to Ride
My brain probably accidentally referenced that

And one more miscellaneous fact - the vinyl starting and ending sounds are 2 separate sounds. I tried to EQ them to sound roughly the same but i didn't really manage to accomplish that
But you would only notice that if you played the track on loop so yeah
Anyways, that's all of my LOFAM 5.2 tracks! Very cool

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