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track cover

By Hadron hadronus SoundCloud YouTube YouTube hadronus Tumblr Hadronus Twitter Other Sea Patrol (Ocean Quarrel) Previous track by this artist Peaceful Pirates Next track by this artist.
Cover art by Hadron hadronus SoundCloud YouTube YouTube hadronus Tumblr Hadronus Twitter Other Sea Patrol (Ocean Quarrel) Previous track art by this artist Peaceful Pirates Next track art by this artist.
Released 10/11/2020.
Duration: 2:36.

Listen on Bandcamp.

Read crediting sources.

Tracks that Cinders references:

Crediting sources:

Witch's Cadence: (HSMusic Discord, excerpt)

Fun fact, I've come to realize that almost like every hadron track they referenced Snowfalls
Not literally everyone, but it's like a large amount of them

I still have no idea why cinders references it

Hadron I think has some sort of inside knowledge of upcoming story bits as they've helped with some of the flashes
most notably {S} shatter

[...] Cinders references Snowfalls

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