By James Dever
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Released 7/13/2011.
Duration: 2:26.
Listen on Bandcamp or YouTube.
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Print or download sheet music files:
Piano score by James Dever (original composer)
- Genesis - James Dever.pdf (41.2 kB)
Artist commentary:
James Dever: (composer's notes)
This song begins with a c minor chord that both resolves the last piece and immediately sets the mood for this piece. Genesis marks the beginning of the biblical terms as well. The Book of Genesis is the first book of both the Hebrew Bible and Christian Old Testament. It is interpreted as the Chosen People being lead to the Promised Land. Sburb is the pathway that leads the kids into the game that is suppose to eventually grow a new universe. It starts off quietly and builds into a fast paced journey. Genesis also introduces my favorite music technique: hemiolas. The right hand plays a melody in triplets while the left hand harmonizes in eighth notes. This creates a strange rhythm and continues the juxtaposition theme created in The Prelude's chords. Continuing the concept of two extremes but together, the song goes into legato, quiet phrases that are immediately followed by staccato, loud phrases.
James Dever: (Bandcamp rerelease about blurb)
The previous track sets up the resolution that the opening measures provide here. This movement introduces the two against three polyrhythm idea that continues throughout the album as well as a few choice hemiolas. Coming from a percussion background, I find a lot of melodic potential in rhythmic content and this whole suite was a place for me to test that out.